Gaining Insight- Teen volunteers learn to see with their hearts as they help visually impaired individuals.

Collinwood High School Students volunteering at the Cleveland Sight Center. 

The Collinwood High School DoMore4:Good team weathered the frigid Cleveland temperatures on Tuesday, January 12, 2016 as they traveled to the Cleveland Sight Center. The Cleveland Sight Center hosts a monthly Winners Club Social, which allows visually impaired adults to come together to socialize, complete recreational activities and learn a new skill.

 Recreation Specialist, Desmond Kennedy, welcomed our teen volunteers with open arms. The youth began the day by prepping the event space and lunch. Throughout the day, our volunteers served as sighted guides for the program attendees. Our youth escorted clients to their seats and assisted them with their individual projects as they waited for the program instructor to begin.  As clients settled in, the youth prepared and served hot beverages, lunch and dessert.   

{“At first, I wanted to help them (program participants) do everything, then I realized they were blind, not physically incapable.” –Daysha}

DoMore4:Good teens grasped a greater understanding of how one is able to independently function with partial or no vision. By the end of the day, the youth understood a disability does not hinder a person from completing daily activities. Instead, visually impaired individuals learn unique ways to complete those task.

 {“Some of the clients were a little snappy when I tried to help them.” –Ronnie}

During our DoMore4:Good service debriefing, the youth discussed their overall impact and what they could do to make even more of a difference in the lives of visually impaired individuals. The teens responded to Ronnie by letting him know that visually impaired individuals are blind; they do not need assistance with every task. The youth went on to discuss reasons visually impaired individuals may become frustrated when they are offered help.

 The social and emotional impact of this volunteer opportunity has changed the hearts of our youth. Our teen volunteers were grateful to be a part of such a great event and they are looking forward to returning next month. 

About DoMore4:Good

DoMore4:Good’s mission is to empower individuals to do more for good by creating positive programs with volunteer opportunities that are supported, promoted, and sustained by local communities. Our programs connect high school students with volunteer opportunities at local nonprofits through a friendly rewards-based competition designed to inspire students to perform acts of kindness and volunteerism in a way that is fun and educational. To learn more visit

Sharon Kidd

DoMore4:Good City4:Good Cleveland empowers individuals to do more for good by creating positive programs with volunteer opportunities that are supported, promoted and sustained by the local community. Our Cleveland program is designed to inspire high school students to perform acts of kindness and increase acts of service they are already doing in a way that is fun, competitive and educational.

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Volume 8, Issue 2, Posted 4:59 PM, 02.06.2016