Collinwood Youth and Digital Media

Teens of "The Forum."

The Collinwood Recreation Center has been hosting a new digital media program for teens! The particpants learn broadcasting and communication skills, along with those skills, they learned how to launch a radio show to be broadcast over the internet. The youth, ages 12-17 created a radio news program called, "The Forum." Each week the teens discuss one of the top ten issues that affect their lives including topics such as bullying, teen violence, peer pressure, human trafficking and drugs. The teens provided a unique insight and perspective on these issues. They became citizen journalists, by writing, producing and recording the topics that were covered. The program was created by Institutional Community Development Corporation, in partnership with FCB Musera Entertainment, who provided the technical assistance and instructor. Shirellda Terry and Alexis Nunn had an opportunity to interview Councilman Michael Polensek of Ward 11. This interview will be seen on YouTube in the near future. The classes are held at the recreation center on Wednesdays at 5:00pm to 6:30pm. For more information, contact Darece Daniels at 216-812-6954.

FCB Musera Entertainment is a media and entertainment company specializing in creating, developing and providing content via the internet and other web-enabled devices. The company's media properties are distributed by some of the largest and most prominent digital media distributors in the world, placing FCB Musera content in the hands of millions of people worldwide. Musera Internet Radio's listeners come from the top metropolitan areas of the United States as well as countries such as Canada, El Salvador, Mexico, Australia, and others.

Darece Daniels has lived in the Collinwood area for 32 years, my son attended St. John Nottingham Lutheran School and VASJ. He is a mentor to several students who attend Collinwood area schools.

Darece Daniels

I have lived in the Collinwood area for 32 years, my son attended St. John Nottingham Lutheran School and Villa Angela St. Joseph, I am a mentor to several students who attend Collinwood area schools. I've worked for Ohio State University Extension for 14 years as an outreach worker to this and other communities and schools.

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Volume 4, Issue 6, Posted 1:52 PM, 07.14.2012