Euclid Beach Feral Cat Project update
Dear Animal Lover,
It has been more than seven months since the Cleveland Plain Dealer did a feature story about the feral cat project at historic Euclid Beach. We would like to give you an update on what we have been able to achieve, thanks to you and other very generous donors.
So far this year we have helped more than 312 cats and kittens - that’s up 391% from last year.
We have worked tirelessly to help sick, old and unaltered stray and feral cats. Our primary focus is the Euclid Beach area because that is where people endlessly dump unwanted cats and kittens, but we also care for other needy cat colonies in North Collinwood. Because our focus is primarily Euclid Beach we felt that changing our name from North Collinwood Feral Cat Project to Euclid Beach Feral Cat Project was appropriate.
In the Euclid Beach area (which includes Wildwood Marina, the Euclid Beach Trailer Park, the Pier and the Euclid Beach Villa apartments) we have trapped, neutered and released (TNR) 21 cats, and surrendered to the Cleveland Animal Protective League (APL) more than 89 sick, old, and friendly cats, plus 39 sick and healthy kittens.
In North Collinwood, we TNR 68 cats and surrendered 96 cats and kittens to the Cleveland Animal Protective League. The APL cares for the friendly, adoptable cats and kittens until they can find their forever loving homes.
As you can see, the issue of over population is a constant challenge and we work very hard to keep the four colonies at Euclid Beach under control. We have a resident population of 138 healthy cats and the cost of caring for them is huge. As with all living beings, they need daily feeding, adequate shelter and medical care.
You are one of the bright lights in the world - you and the people like you who make a tremendous difference in the lives of abandoned and feral cats. We thank you again and again for your continued support. Please consider yourself whisker-kissed by all the cats who are fed and cared for every day because of your generosity.
Ginger Hannah
Please make checks payable to Northeast Shores Development Corporation, a 501(c) (3 ) non-profit Organization which acts as fiscal agent for the Euclid Beach Feral Cat Project. Please write EBFCP on the memo line of your check and mail it to 317, East 156th Street, Cleveland, OH 44110. All donations are tax deductible.