Councilman Update

September Winds

Dear Friends -

What a summer! I, like most of you, would like to forget 2020. It has become a bad dream. Who would have imagined in early February we would be dealing with over 175,000 Americans dead as a result of COVIC-19 and their families devastated? What about the economy with massive unemployment, hours cut, and social distancing invoked to a point where many businesses city-wide have gone under or are about to go under?

It has been a perfect storm so far this summer. Now, we see city wide and nationally a major increase in criminal activity, especially homicides, felonious assaults and robberies. I find it interesting that my office was bombarded weeks ago with emails by individuals demanding the defunding of the Cleveland police department and yet, out of the hundreds of emails, only four (4) were from the northeast side of the city. It is unbelievable that someone living in Pepper Pike, Waite Hill, or some other affluent suburb, has the audacity and ignorance to suggest that we should disband or defund the Cleveland Police Department. Do I believe that CPD is operating as efficiently as it can or has a command staff in place that “really gets it?” My response would be, “No.” There is no doubt in my mind that the Cleveland Police Department has to regroup and better understand the severity of the problems and the social issues we are really dealing with today. In the city, we really need to see community policing as we once had with the mini-station program. It is 2020 and CPD is operating in a time warp. This has to change.  However, defunding or eliminating the police department will only lead to more division or more violence in our city.

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Volume 12, Issue 9, Posted 4:17 PM, 09.03.2020

Councilman's Update

It is hard to believe that since June 25 another 20,000 Americans have died of COVIC-19. It is inconceivable to me how our country finds itself in this condition. What has become very clear to me, and should be to all, that we Americans have been misled over the past 50 years to believe that we have the best healthcare system and the most proactive country in the world. We all know differently now – because the verdict is in.

 When the greatest nation in the world cannot produce nasal swabs and personal protection equipment for our front line health care workers, something is terribly wrong. In addition, when the majority of our pharmaceuticals and medical equipment is produced off-shore, this should be a wakeup call as well.

 My Brothers and Sisters, the Covid-19 pandemic has exposed all the weaknesses in our healthcare system and our critical supply chains. I say this to you because we are in the midst of a Presidential Election, and all of us should be asking of both candidates as to “what is their gameplan to bring manufacturing jobs back to America and to strengthen our healthcare industry? “

If we do not let our collective voice be heard then nothing is going to change.  Remember, the majority of both Democrats and Republicans in the U.S House and Senate, as well as those who occupied the White House, over the last four decades, have stood and waved our jobs “good-bye” as big business invested off-shore, specifically, in China.  This was done so that they could escape paying living wages, providing healthcare benefits to their employees, and avoid environmental laws, as well as not paying their fair share of taxes. I believe in the Capitalist system.  What we see today, though, is pure greed, crony-capitalism and support of dictatorial countries by corporate leaders. How disgusting.

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Volume 12, Issue 8, Posted 6:19 PM, 08.10.2020

Councilman's Update

Dear Friends -

I cannot begin to tell you what a busy month it has been.  I received more emails and more phone calls in one month than I have in the preceding two. With that, despite the Covid-19 restrictions, things are slowly starting to open up including many of our neighborhood businesses.  That being said be safe and stay healthy.

I don’t have to tell anyone about the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic and how it has affected our community and our state.  We all know, for the most part, how it is transmitted and what the symptoms are. Please, follow the social distancing guidelines, use hand sanitizer and wear a protective face mask within close proximity of others. Furthermore, by all means, if you do have any symptoms, seek medical attention, immediately. Who would have thought that we would have lost over 120,000 of our fellow citizens to this unseen killer? By all indication, it doesn’t seem to be going anywhere soon and we are seeing a second spike in many states that have “re-opened.” Please continue to take care of yourself and your families.  In the meantime, please support our local businesses whenever you can for, the economic impact has been devastating to them as well. Let’s all hope and pray that our Federal researchers and scientists can come up with a vaccine sooner rather than later.

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Volume 12, Issue 7, Posted 5:01 PM, 07.06.2020

Councilman's Update

Dear Friends and Neighbors

I hope this letter, finds you and your family well. I know how much of a struggle it has been. There are programs and resources available out there, though. Don’t feel ashamed to have to use them.

First, I wish to, once again, acknowledge for this MEMORIAL DAY just past, all those veterans who “gave their all” in service to this Country. It was because of their service and sacrifice, that we, today, enjoy the freedoms as outlined by our Constitution and its Amendments. Remember all of our Veterans who have passed from our presence.

To our 2020 GRADUATES, CONGRATULATIONS! You have worked hard to achieve this goal. This will certainly be a time in your life you will never forget, and we have gotten very creative in our ways to help you celebrate, as well. Best of everything as you set off on future journeys into further education or a career.

As I reported in the last Collinwood Observer, these are times which none of us have ever experienced. The toll on our country, state and our city has been unprecedented. Even during the worst days of WWII, according the “Old Timers” in the neighborhood, have we ever experienced anything like we have been through in these last two and half months.

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Volume 12, Issue 6, Posted 11:51 AM, 06.07.2020

Councilman Update

Dear Residents:

What can I say more than we already know as to what we are going through as a city, state and country? None of us, just two months ago could have ever imagined what Covid-19 would do to our country and the world community. 

When I wrote my last article in March I could never have imagined what I would be addressing this month. We have all seen the figures and the national death statistics and the number of people infected by this invisible killer. I cannot stress enough how we must all follow the guidelines as outlined by the Departments of Health for the state, county and city. 

I want to thank our Governor, Michael DeWine, and his medical staff for their perseverance and their leadership.

This is a disease that each of us could have and not even know it and then carry it to a member of our family, friends or neighbors or even someone working beside us. Social distancing is paramount; washing your hands and taking proper disinfecting precautions are critical in eradicating this terrible virus.

As you are all aware this has effected the delivery of basic city services. Please watch for future announcements and guidelines as to how these services will be delivered. Right now, Building and Housing enforcement is at a bare minimum; evictions are on hold along with housing court cases; and, waste collection has had to cut back on personnel which means no bulk pick up. 

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Volume 12, Issue 5, Posted 5:54 PM, 05.07.2020

Community Meetings Cancelled

We look forward to meeting with you again soon. However, the community meetings normally scheduled for the month of May have been cancelled. That is Collinwood Homeowners and Tenants' Association; the East 185th Street Neighborhood Assoc'n; the Ward Club; the East 156th Street and the East 140th Street Neighborhood Association meetings.

f there are any further comments or questions pertaining to the community please feel free to leave a message at the office at (216)664-4236 or via email at

Take care.

Councilman Michael Polensek

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Volume 12, Issue 5, Posted 5:54 PM, 05.07.2020

In These Troubled Times

As the Dean of Cleveland City Council, I thought I had seen it all and experienced it all over the years. I have often said that I have seen the good, the bad and the ugly. It is hard to put in words what we, as Americans, are experiencing with the outbreak of the Covid -19 or coronavirus. I never thought we would see one business after another shut down and schools closed. This is difficult enough, but then to be unable to celebrate everyday events or visit family members in the nursing homes or other care facilities is extremely difficult to comprehend. To not even be able to visit a dying loved one at Hospice or attend their funeral – is nothing shy of unimaginable. Yet, it is the reality today in Cleveland and throughout Ohio.

I am torn between anger and sympathy.  My sympathies to those who are sick and infected with the virus and also those who have lost loved ones. I am also extremely angry, though, that in America we were not better prepared for this fight, even when we all saw on TV the medical workers in China in white “space suits” with respirators. Why wasn’t that a wakeup call to our Nation’s leaders?  Now, to realize that we are dependent upon Communist China and other countries for basic pharmaceuticals and medical equipment is absolutely outrageous.

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Volume 12, Issue 4, Posted 4:35 PM, 04.01.2020

Councilman Update

Wow! Have we been lucky with this weather.  There is still some winter to come with snow and ice.  As always, hazardous road conditions on city streets should be called into (216) 664-2510 along with all the potholes that are popping up.  Be proactive and drive carefully.

The contractor working on the East 185th Street Marcella Road Storm sewer project is now working 24 hour shifts in order to move this much needed and critical project along. Completion is still set for the end of the year – if everything goes according to schedule.  Please continue to support the businesses along East 185th Street; many have been severely impacted by the project. Thanks, again, to all for your patience and understanding during this construction period. It has been like root canal but we all know it is needed to address the wide spread basement flooding in the area. Work is continuing as well on Holmes Avenue and areas adjacent to and off of St Clair Avenue to address storm sewer issues in the St. Clair corridor and beyond.

Demolition of the properties adjacent to the historic LaSalle Theatre has taken place. The three structures are down and work will commence soon on the new LaSalle Theatre parking lot. This is a joint project involving the CDC, Cleveland Neighborhood Progress, the Northeast Regional Sewer District and the Cuyahoga County Landbank. My thanks to all for their involvement. The additional parking for the LaSalle Theatre is critical in ensuring the success of this entertainment complex.

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Volume 12, Issue 3, Posted 5:26 PM, 03.09.2020

Councilman Update

We have been very lucky weather wise and let’s hope it stays that way.  As you know, along with Winter comes ice and snow. Hazardous road conditions should be called into (216) 664-2510 along with any potholes.  Drive carefully and be pro-active.

The Division of Water Pollution Control recently met with businesses and property owners along East 185th Street regarding to ongoing issues and detours regarding to the Marcella Road / East 185th Street Strom Sewer Project. Obviously, this much-needed improvement is affecting vehicular traffic and commerce on the street. I cannot stress enough the importance of patronizing and supporting the businesses along the street during this construction process.  The contractor is now working on 24-hour shifts in an effort to move this project along.  I wish to thank all for their patience and understanding.  Like root canal, this project is critical to rebuilding the infrastructure of our commercial corridor and beyond.

There are two major issues on the horizon which we, in the community, MUST be well informed about.  First, the issue of Cleveland City Council reduction, and, the U.S. Census.  Each are critical for the well-being of our city, in general, and specifically, our Collinwood community.

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Volume 12, Issue 2, Posted 5:31 PM, 02.05.2020


HAPPY NEW YEAR to you and yours.  May your year be filled with peace, happiness and prosperity, as we enter the “20’s.” 

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Volume 12, Issue 1, Posted 5:13 PM, 01.12.2020

Collinwood and Christmas

Our community received an early Christmas gift this week for on Tuesday, November 19, 2019 when the Cleveland Metropolitan School District (CMSD) backed away from their official announcement made a month earlier that Collinwood High School (CHS) would be officially closed next year.  I don’t have to tell anyone what a blow this announcement was.  When they officially notified my office on October 18, of their decision to close our historic high school, it hit me like a tons of bricks.

As I indicated publicly at the time, the announcement was devastating. How did we collectively act after the announcement?  We started to mobilize alumni, residents, businesses and community activists to form a united front against the decision that we believed would have a devastating impact, not only on our students and their future but the stability of the Five Points Business District, property values and future development opportunities throughout the St Clair Corridor.  

Well, they heard us loud and clear.  Of the ten schools they were proposing to merge and /or close, there was no greater outpouring than there was for Collinwood High School.  I wish to thank everyone who wrote emails, letters, made phone calls, signed petitions, and who attended CMSD Meetings. I further wish to thank Dr. Lisa Thomas and Ms. Louise Dempsey, CMSD Board Members who became major cheerleaders for the Collinwood cause, due to their close relationship to the community. They were a major factor in believing in Collinwood, along with my colleague, Ward 10 Councilman, Anthony Hairston, and another Railroader, who lobbied against their plan.  Thanks also to Mayor Frank G. Jackson who took the time to talk to me on three separate occasions about the Long-Term School Plan and the future of CHS. I made it clear to the Mayor that the plan, as presented, would do irreparable harm to Cleveland’s east side, in light of the fact that CMSD had already closed more than twelve (12) elementary schools on the east side over the years. 

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Volume 11, Issue 12, Posted 6:21 PM, 12.02.2019

Autumn Projects

It goes without saying that Fall is here. Please be proactive, any streetlights out, which there shouldn’t be with the installation of the new LED’s, please call it in to CPP.  If there are potholes on your street please these into 3-1-1 and by all means, if you see a water leak in the street or at a hydrant please call this in to (216) 664-3060.  If we all do our part then we will be better prepared for the cold weather ahead.

Work on the East 185th Street /Marcela Road Storm Sewer Project is now shifting into high gear.  Work on access shafts at East Park and Pawnee at East 185th Street has started.  The contractor, with the concurrence of my office, has begun their 24-hour around the clock tunnel boring operation. This $15 million project is critical in addressing the widespread basement flooding problem we have been experiencing in the East 185th Street corridor and adjacent streets. Watch for detours.  The Water Pollution Control will be making another presentation on this project at the next East 185th Street Neighborhood Association meeting to be held on Tuesday, November 12, 2019 beginning at 6:00 PM at the Lithuanian Village Hall, rear entrance, located at 877 East 185th Street.

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Volume 11, Issue 11, Posted 4:08 PM, 11.11.2019


What a great September – it is hard to believe it’s Fall already and you would never know it.  We all know what is coming, though, so let’s get ahead of the curve.  Enjoy the Autumn but at the same time get prepared for the Winter ahead. If you have any potholes or road issues please turn them in NOW.   No streets in the neighborhood should have road deficiencies as we move into the winter months. Please be proactive. To report road issues, streetlights out, housing issues, etc., please call them into the City Hotline number at “3-1-1”; just as you would call 9-1-1 for a Police emergency, or 2-1-1 for County Assistance, this number is the new go-to for City complaints.

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Volume 11, Issue 10, Posted 10:23 AM, 10.06.2019

Councilman's Update

It has been a productive summer in many ways. However, we are still dealing with some long standing issues. I want to thank everyone, first of all, who have supported any of the community activities this summer. 

Some issues are still hampering our efforts though, and the City’s Administration, for some reason, unexplainable at best, refuses to deal issue with the illegal dirt bikes and ATV’s roaming our streets city-wide. Why the Command Staff is unwilling to enforce the basic traffic code is mindboggling. When you see packs of riders with no license plates going through red lights, stop signs, driving through yards and threatening motorists city-wide. You have to ask yourself, if the CPD brass cannot enforce the basic traffic laws then what can they enforce? Time has come to lay down the law, confiscate the illegal bikes and prosecute the riders before an individual or family is injured or killed. Excuses are not cutting it anymore.  Just enforce the law for Pete’s Sake.

Talking about traffic, I want to thank Director John Picuri, of ODOT District 12, in getting the I-90 ramps opened at East 185th Street / Neff Road.  The closure had caused a major problem for businesses and residents alike.  We understand that from time to time work has to be done on the interstate but hopefully, in the future, they will come up with a better game plan in making sure that the contractors move at a much quicker pace. For, I am told that the I-90 Bridge over East 152 Street will be coming up in the near future for replacement. Let’s hope that there is a better plan in place.

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Volume 11, Issue 9, Posted 5:20 PM, 09.08.2019


Summer is really here! We went from the monsoons to the heat. I am not complaining for, before we know it it will be Autumn. Let’s enjoy each warm day while we can!

The construction work at Mark Tromba playground, in spite of the rain, has gone very well. We are planning on an official reopening of the park sometime in the middle to late August. This $1.5 million project was long overdue and will put Tromba on the same level as many suburban facilities. This park is special to me for I myself swam at Tromba Pool as a teen and I am looking forward to the project being completed. Watch for the re-dedication announcement.

Our friends at the Cleveland MetroParks contacted my office to let me know that they are still looking for SEASONAL HELP at Wildwood Marina and Concession Stand. If you know of anyone interested in seasonal and part-time work with the MetroParks. Contact them at (216).635.3200, or send an email to

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Volume 11, Issue 8, Posted 8:45 AM, 07.30.2019

Happy Summer and Happy 4th of July!!

As I wrote in the last Observer about our crazy weather, what more can I say? It should be clear to all of us that our weather patterns are changing and with that comes a whole host of concerns and issues. The lake level has never been higher and it is affecting piers and abutments at our parks. In addition, the entire lakefront, including our community, is experiencing severe shoreline erosion. Some communities along the lakefront have completely lost their beaches. We are fortunate so far at Euclid Beach and Villa Angela, but all of us can see that we have lost at least 25 feet of open beach at the two parks this year alone. At this point there are no quick fixes and this high water will be with us for some time.

Speaking of the parks, our Friday Night, Euclid Beach Live Concerts, which run from 6:00 – 8:30 PM, are shaping up to be another great success. The weather has been perfect and we have had record crowds. The only problem we have experienced is with the availability of parking. Therefore, I want to point out that there is additional parking behind the Collinwood Recreation Center in the Humphreys Sports Complex; you can enter off of Grovewood Avenue at East 164th Street.  There are approximately 200 additional spots there with a walkway leading up to the recreation center.  Parking is also available at Wildwood Park. Please be aware that CMHA has announced that anyone parking at the Beachcrest Apartments located at 16700/16800 Lakeshore Boulevard will be ticketed and/or towed. The same holds true at the Euclid Beach highrises at East 159 Street and Lakeshore Boulevard. I guess having parking issues is a good problem to have.  It is so nice to see so many of our residents coming to enjoy these concerts which run through August 2nd. Don’t forget that the restaurant at Wildwood is now open along with the concession stand at Euclid Beach.  Thanks, once again, to our partners at MetroParks for helping to put our lakefront back on the map.

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Volume 11, Issue 7, Posted 12:36 PM, 07.07.2019

Summertime in Ward 8

Wow! Can you believe this past Spring?  I don’t know about you but my yard is like a sponge and I am trying my best to keep on top of the grass cutting and the weeds that pop up all over.  I am not complaining though when I look at the crazy and deadly weather in other parts of the nation.  Cleveland’s weather looks good.   

We have kicked things off already in a big way. I wish to thank all the neighborhood residents and dignitaries who attending the official grand opening of the new Euclid Beach pier on Wednesday, May 22 at 11:00 AM.  What great turnout. The weather was good and the Cleveland MetroParks, once again, delivered on this long-awaited improvement to the historic Euclid Beach park. 

As I mentioned previously, I was a teenager when the park closed and how we all came to miss that “magical place on the Lake.” It had been my dream and desire since I came to be the councilman of the North Shore Collinwood community, to see the pier rebuilt. We went through the ups and downs over the years with the State, when it was under their control. After a great deal of lobbying and negotiations, the Cleveland MetroParks, in partnership with the City, then took over the three historic parks in our neighborhood of Euclid Beach, Villa Angela and Wildwood and thus, filling in the missing link of the “Emerald Necklace”.  From the very first day, I actively engaged MetroParks in making the pier a priority project for our community. On May 22, that dream became a reality.  However, I can assure you, I am not done, yet. I want to see additional capital improvements made to Euclid Beach Park and Wildwood, while keeping Villa Angela as a swimming beach and a nature preserve, as it was intended to be.

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Volume 11, Issue 6, Posted 4:13 PM, 06.05.2019

Winding Up for Summer

Spring has sprung and the cleaning season has just begun! In order to make your property aesthetically more appealing, I am asking each and every property owner to please clean up their property.  Lawn care is one of the biggest part in maintaining curb appeal, as well as regularly mowing the lawn, raking the leaves and pulling weeds. The appearance of our community is important to me and should be to all. If there is a home on your street that has an unkempt yard please report it to the Division of Health (216) 664-2300 or the Mayors Action Center at (216) 664-2900.  If there is a home or business that is not being maintained properly please call that into the Building & Housing hotline (216) 664-2007.  Our community deserves to look the best it can be. There is a great sense of history and pride on the northeast side especially in the greater Collinwood community.

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Volume 11, Issue 5, Posted 10:48 AM, 05.05.2019

Spring is Here !

Spring is finally here! That being said, with Cleveland’s weather we could still get a snow storm or two. So, don’t relax, yet.

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Volume 11, Issue 4, Posted 2:55 PM, 03.30.2019

March Winds

As I said last month – what a crazy winter! What an understatement that was. Over the last month, I have dealt with countless water leaks in the streets, potholes, frozen pipes, power outages and trees down. I hate to think what else is around the corner. So, stay tuned.   SPRING IS AROUND THE CORNER.

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Volume 11, Issue 3, Posted 2:52 PM, 03.10.2019

Christmas Time is here again


By: Michael D. Polensek

Since my last message to the community, a lot has transpired.  On November 13th I met with staff of the Cleveland MetroParks at their headquarters to discuss Phase Two improvements to Euclid Beach, Villa Angela and Wildwood Parks. Phase One reconstruction of the historic Euclid Beach pier is done and what a great addition to park. Not only does it look good but it is handicapped accessible which is a blessing especially for the disabled and seniors who live adjacent to Euclid Beach.  In Phase Two we are talking about additional enhancements to the bluff, an additional picnic pavilion and a splash pad for small children. We also discussed the Wildwood Marina and enhancements that could take place there as well. At the end of the day, my goal, working with our partners, the Cleveland MetroParks, is to make our lakefront a true destination place not only for Ward 8 but also for the greater community.

As I have been reporting, we are working with the Cuyahoga County Landbank and the City’s Demolition Bureau to target and remove those structures which are beyond repair or rehabilitation.  My goal is to rid our neighborhood of the eyesores and to preserve the structures worth saving. As I mentioned before, if you are interested in a vacant property, start by calling Peggy Kearsey at the Greater Collinwood Development Corporation at (216) 383-9772.  You can also call the Cleveland Housing Network (CHN) at (216) 574-7100 or visit their website at

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Volume 11, Issue 1, Posted 5:22 PM, 01.08.2019


At this time of the year, as we prepare for the Holidays I wanted to thank all the neighborhood groups, organizations, clubs and individuals who have worked on behalf of the community this past year. It goes without saying that the community is only as good as the people and organizations in it. As we approach 2019, it is more important than ever before to get involved in our community or the clubs that encompasses your street. 

We all know that there have been major changes in our local development corporations this past year.  We are moving forward, though, and doing our best to overcome bad decisions that were made by former Executive Staff members. Justice will be served on those individuals who took advantage of our neighborhood support and trust. Regardless of the actions of these individuals, our community is resilient and we must collectively refuse to allow their actions to define our community.  Again, I urge, anyone who would like to become a stakeholder in our community and to get involved, to contact the Greater Collinwood Development Corporation, which now encompasses our entire Ward and part of Ward 10.  They may be reached at (216) 383-9772.

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Volume 10, Issue 12, Posted 1:14 PM, 12.07.2018


I wish to thank everyone who came out in record numbers to support the local clambakes which were held by many of our churches, schools and non-profit organizations in the ward. There were record crowds.  Once again, it only reinforces the fact that when we care about the institutions and organizations in the community we can and will make a difference. 

Talk about record crowds, what a great turn out and great weather for the “Remembering the Sights and Sounds of Euclid Beach” event held on Sunday, September 30. This year we had the largest antique and classic car show we ever had. Thanks to all who attended. Then there was the Men’s Health Fair held at the Recreation Center on October 7th sponsored by Cleveland Clinic, NEON, my office and Zeta Omega Chapter of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity. We hope to be able to sponsor this event annually and I look forward to working with the sponsors on future health-related events and programs.

I also wish to thank all the volunteers involved, especially Commander Sammy Morris and officers of the 5th District, for their efforts in making the “Haunted Jail” Halloween Party at the 5th District a big success as well as the Staff and Volunteers at the Collinwood Recreation Center for making the Big City Boo at the Center another smashing success.  As one of the financial supporters of these two events, it goes without saying how important it is that our children have a fun and safe Halloween. Thank you to all who donated their time, talents and funds.

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Volume 10, Issue 11, Posted 12:06 PM, 11.04.2018

Councilman’s Corner

It’s officially Fall and my sincere appreciation for all of you who supported all the events we had this summer especially the Euclid Beach Live concerts and the most recent clambakes that many of our neighborhood organizations have held.  If you missed any of them it is still not too late for the VASJ Clambake which is Fri., October 19th starting at 6:00 PM, for tickets call Fred at (216) 481- 633-0692; St. Casimir’s Clambake is Sat., October 27, for tickets call (216) 481-3157.  Both of these bakes are excellent, for I had attended both of them over the years. It goes without saying, let’s support our neighborhood groups and events.

As I reported last month, the Euclid Beach pier project is moving right along.  In fact, I try to visit the site daily. The approach sidewalks have been poured and access steps are being installed at this time. The pier project has been a long time goal of mine since I can recall the original pier and what it meant to the community.  What is unique about this design is that it will be handicapped accessible and augment the piers at the mouth of Euclid Creek. Once again, my sincere appreciation to our partners, the Cleveland Metroparks, in making this important project a reality.

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Volume 10, Issue 10, Posted 8:10 AM, 10.14.2018

Councilman's Corner

What a great last half of the summer we have had so far. I want to thank all the neighborhood groups, organizations and individuals who have been so supportive of all our Summer activities and events. My sincere appreciation to Ms. Erin Randel who was instrumental in putting together the Collinwood “Scoop on Summer Guide,” which lists all of our neighborhood events and programs throughout the summer, and the “Scoop on Collinwood” our online version for year-round activities, meetings and events.  I am not aware of any other neighborhood in the City that has such an extensive printed brochure promoting their community followed up with a website.  All of us should be very proud of what Erin has done for our community.

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Volume 10, Issue 9, Posted 12:19 PM, 09.07.2018

Councilman's Corner

Since my last community update, a lot has transpired in the community.  First, I want to thank all the residents and visitors who have attended the Friday Night Concert Series at Euclid Beach Park. There has been a great turn-out and I hope it continues throughout the summer. I don’t have to tell anyone that having an eastside music venue was very important to our community and this councilman.  MetroParks had originally only planned for the Edgewater LIVE Series on Thursday nights on the westside and, I was insistent that there be an eastside venue as well. Euclid Beach fit the bill perfectly. Therefore, I want to thank MetroParks and continue to show them that they made the right decision and that our events are well attended and enjoyed by all. Don’t forget the concerts start at 6:00 PM every Friday evening until August 3. Hope to see you there.

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Volume 10, Issue 7, Posted 3:11 PM, 07.05.2018

Councilman’s Corner

You’ve all heard the old saying, “I’ve got some good news and some bad news.”  The good news first.  Summer is finally here and the construction of the historic Euclid Beach Pier is going strong at Euclid Beach Park.  Work will continue on this long-awaited project the remainder of the year, according to our partners, the Cleveland Metroparks.  In addition, the Friday night concert series on the lake will resume once again starting June 1st at 6:00 p.m. and continue to run throughout the summer.  Please join us for some incredible music on the lake right here in our own community.  More good news.  The Cleveland Clinic purchased the former Sodexo Laundry facility at 15300 S. Waterloo Road at East 152nd Street.  They have partnered with Evergreen Cooperative to operate the complex which will supply laundry and linen for all Cleveland Clinic hospitals and medical offices.  Evergreen and the Clinic have been working with my office and plan to invest substantially in new equipment and ramping up employment and job opportunities.  This is exciting news for our community, especially for the historic Collinwood Yard Industrial Park.

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Volume 10, Issue 6, Posted 11:14 AM, 06.07.2018

Councilman’s Corner

You’ve all heard the old saying, “I’ve got some good news and some bad news.”  The good news first.  Summer is finally here and the construction of the historic Euclid Beach Pier is going strong at Euclid Beach Park.  Work will continue on this long-awaited project the remainder of the year, according to our partners, the Cleveland Metroparks.  In addition, the Friday night concert series on the lake will resume once again starting June 1st at 6:00 p.m. and continue to run throughout the summer.  Please join us for some incredible music on the lake right here in our own community.  More good news.  The Cleveland Clinic purchased the former Sodexo Laundry facility at 15300 S. Waterloo Road at East 152nd Street.  They have partnered with Evergreen Cooperative to operate the complex which will supply laundry and linen for all Cleveland Clinic hospitals and medical offices.  Evergreen and the Clinic have been working with my office and plan to invest substantially in new equipment and ramping up employment and job opportunities.  This is exciting news for our community, especially for the historic Collinwood Yard Industrial Park.

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Volume 10, Issue 6, Posted 11:14 AM, 06.07.2018

Councilman's Corner

I thought Spring was here last month. What a surprise. Nonetheless, it will get warm sooner or later.  I want to take this opportunity to thank all the residents and friends of the community who turned out on Saturday, April 21, for the “Big Clean” and the “Cleanin’ with Cops” at Humphrey’s Park. We narrowly lost the Big Clean contest with the City of Euclid but the real winner was both of our communities; for when you looked at the amount of litter and debris that was hauled back to the dumpster at the VASJ parking lot, it was amazing. My sincere appreciation to our Ward 8 residents, Stephen and Ali Love, for their spirit and willingness to spearhead this much needed project.

With that being said, I hope we all take the opportunity to take a look at our own property and how we can dress things up for this spring and summer.  Many of our yards are full of winter storm debris, whether it be twigs, leaves or other debris. If we all do our part, we can make our community shine. As I have said before, if there is a property on your street where the owners just refuse to address unsightly or unhealthy yard conditions, please call Environmental Health Department at (216) 664-2300. 

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Volume 10, Issue 5, Posted 4:56 PM, 05.10.2018

Spring is officially here. So the calendar tells me.

Thanks to all the residents who have been turning in the potholes and bad road conditions. Please continue to call those in to (216) 664-2510.  I have received calls into my office by motorists indicating that their tires and /or cars have been damaged because of the bad road conditions.  I you are a victim you must file a police report, take a picture of the hole in question, if you can.  However, you need to file a Moral claim with the City (216- 664-2800) to see if there is any form of reimbursement. As I have learned, this time of the year, drive with caution and be careful.  With the freeze and thaw cycle we have experienced, potholes can appear within days. Drive carefully.

My continued thanks to all residents who continue to be our eyes and ears of our neighborhood in turning in obvious service concerns and complaints.  What has distinguished our community, time and time again, is that we are proactive. If we continue to do that, then streets will be repaired properly, there will be no streetlights out, and abandoned vehicles will be removed from our streets and vacant lots.  All you need to do is drive the city and you can see what neighborhoods are proactive and which ones are not. Let’s continue to set a high standard in Ward 8.

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Volume 10, Issue 4, Posted 3:25 PM, 04.04.2018

Spring Into Action

I, like many of you cannot wait till Spring. What a winter!  Having grown up in Collinwood, I can’t even recall when we had such swings in weather. Nonetheless, it is what it is and as a result of the “freeze and thaw” cycle, I don’t have to tell anyone about the number of potholes and ruts which have taken over our neighborhood streets. If you have a pothole or road issue, please call (216) 664-2510 to report it. Don’t assume someone else called it in.  Be proactive.

Another weather related problem is with street lights burnt out.  Believe it or not, salt spray from the roads can and will corrode what is referred to as the “cobra head” of the streetlight or even affect the transformers. If you have a streetlight out please call (216) 621-5486.  If the cobra head is wrapped with black tape that is an indication that CPP crews have been out and that the entire head must be replaced.

If there is a car that hasn’t moved on your street for whatever reason, please call the 5th District Police at (216) 623-5505.  Let them know the address in front of which the car is parked along with the make and model and license plate number or temporary tag if possible.

The Cleveland Division of Water reported that in January alone that they had over 500 serious breaks and leaks throughout the system as a result of the cold. If water is running on your street from a valve, crack or depression please call the Division of Water at (216) 664-3060. 

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Volume 10, Issue 3, Posted 11:04 AM, 03.10.2018

Winter is Really Here!

Wow, that cold spell we experienced was rough. I hope you all have been surviving the frigid cold.  Stay Warm!  Watch for ice especially when walking and driving.

We had more than our usual share of households who experienced frozen pipes or cold and ice-related issues.  Remember, if your pipes are frozen, NEVER use an open flame, ie a torch, to unthaw any pipe; instead, use a hair dryer or heat gun. If you have an exceptionally cold basement, look for drafts and leave a faucet in your washtubs dripping very slow during extended very cold snaps to prevent the pipes from freezing. This will work in most cases.  Make sure chimneys are clear of debris and are inspected once every five years, unless you have a newer model furnace. It goes without saying, get a carbon monoxide detector in your home and check to make sure your smoke detectors are working. Take extra precautions to keep your family safe and warm during these winter months.

As I reported last month, our community, along with the rest of the city, has been greatly challenged and concerned about the lack of basic police patrols in our neighborhoods. I have had no response back from the Administration with regard to my request of them seeking additional State support through the Ohio Highway Patrol to augment the Cleveland Police Department. It should be clear to all that somebody really missed the boat as to how many police officers are actually needed on the streets of the City of Cleveland.  For your information, 104 officers “left” the Department in 2016 due to retirement, attrition, etc and in 2017, there were 91 officers who left the Force. Yet, when the Administration submitted their annual budget they called for the hiring of only 65 patrol officers for 2017.  Go figure that one out!  The one thing they taught me at Collinwood High School was how to count.  Old or new math – this doesn’t add up. It’s no wonder that District Commanders are having to hold over shifts and platoons to staff the basic patrol car plan city-wide. We need more police officers on the street and the numbers speak for themselves.

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Volume 10, Issue 2, Posted 2:06 PM, 02.10.2018

Happy New Year

On behalf of my family and my office I hope all of you had a very Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukah and a joyous Kwanzaa.  The history and traditions of our community run very deep this time of year. I wish to thank all of the neighborhood institutions and organizations who have been so vital to our community this past year. 

We all know that Christmas and early in the new year are giving times of the year and I hope you remember all the non-profits in the Ward 8 community from our places of worship, to the Salvation Army Temple Corps, the FoodBank, the Collinwood Food Pantry, and the Collinwood Ministries who daily help the less fortunate and needy of our community. My sincere appreciation for all they do for the community in providing food, clothing, family services, recreation or just a place of comfort or companionship. I urge all residents to continue to support their work through monetary donations or by volunteering.

To say the least, 2017 was a very challenging year. We saw progress in many areas and yet, we were constantly confronted with an increase in violent crime, in our community and city-wide. As I write this article the city has already experienced 128 homicides for the year. That doesn’t take into consideration the felonious assaults (crimes committed with a weapon), burglaries, robberies, car thefts, break-ins, etc.  It is extremely troubling to realize that Cleveland now has the distinction of having a higher per capita, based on population, homicide rate than Chicago or New York.  Law enforcement officials will tell you that the two greatest deterrents to any criminal activity in the city is an engaged citizenry, where residents and businesses look out for one another and willingly report incidents of criminal activity, and police patrolling the streets.

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Volume 10, Issue 1, Posted 4:09 PM, 01.15.2018

Giving Thanks

By the time you read this, Thanksgiving will be over.  I hope you and yours had a happy thanksgiving; we, in the Greater Collinwood community have a lot to be thankful for. I wish to thank all the neighborhood groups, clubs, organizations, churches and other institutions, and above all our residents, who have worked so hard this past year in trying to make our community the best it can be, even though we have a lot of work to do yet.  I am looking forward to working with all of you on a whole host of projects and initiatives for Ward 8 in 2018.

On a personal note, I would be remiss if I did not thank the voters of Ward 8 for the overwhelming support that they gave me on Election Day, Tuesday, November 7. To receive 87% of the votes cast that day was a very humbling and moving experience. Not only did I receive the highest percentage tally in City Council but I also had the second highest vote total of any councilmember. It goes without saying how I feel about our community. I have lived my entire life on the northeast side of the city and have raised five children here. My world has not been a big one; from my great-grandparents on East 47th Street off of Superior Avenue, to my maternal grandparents on East 120th Street and Darley off East 140th Street, to growing up in the Nottingham neighborhood. I am a proud graduate of Collinwood High School to this very day, and as we all know “Once a Railroader, Always a Railroader.”

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Volume 9, Issue 12, Posted 10:07 AM, 12.08.2017

November Winds

We had a great October and hopefully the rest of the Autumn season will be like we enjoyed in October. 

My sincere appreciation for all those who volunteered for our two neighborhood Halloween events at the Collinwood Recreation Center and the 5th District Police Headquarters.  These are always great events for our kids. My sincere appreciation as well to the Staff at the Recreation Center and to Commander Morris and his Officers for helping to make these events fun and memorable. 

A lot has happened since my last report. Five more abandoned and derelict structures have been removed and we are up to 230 for the year with more in the pipeline. As a result of this action, plus the fact that individuals are purchasing vacant properties for rehabilitation or yard expansion, we are seeing property values not only stabilize but starting to appreciate. That is good news for our neighborhood. Let’s keep the momentum going into the next year. 

Talk about momentum, 2018 will be a critical year for both of our neighborhood development corporations (CDC’s); Collinwood Nottingham (CNVDC) and Northeast Shores (NSDC). Both have seen major changes, some good and some bad. However, I finally feel that the community is becoming more and more aware of just how important these two groups really are to our ward. Remember, the City, nor the Mayor, nor the Councilman are developers.  We look to the CDC’s, who are separate corporations, to partner with private individuals, non-profits, businesses and developers to do just that. Our two CDC’s are funded by the City, private foundations and this councilman for most of their general operations. It would be an understatement to say that the city and my office have been happy with the performance of either group over the last year. However, with recent staff changes, more neighborhood participation, and the engagement of Cleveland Neighborhood Progress (CNP), a city non-profit group whose sole purpose is to provide guidance and help to CDC’s across the city, they are both now poised to get back to business; and, that is to provide development and job creation activities.  Stay tuned for future major announcements and developments. 

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Volume 9, Issue 11, Posted 1:22 PM, 11.03.2017

Great September

Can you believe this weather? Ninety degree temperatures

in late September?  We have been extremely lucky and the Midwest weather looks real good compared to Texas, Florida and the Caribbean. Let’s hope that the winter is likewise.

I want to thank everyone who attended the “Sights and Sounds of Euclid Beach” event on Sunday, September 24 at Euclid Beach Park.  What a great turnout; antique cars, food, music and memorabilia from Euclid Beach, a great day along our beautiful lakefront and above all a great day for our neighborhood.  Thanks to Euclid Beach Park NOW, the Cleveland MetroParks and all the volunteers for a job well done. 

Talking about food, St Mary’s and St Jerome’s had wonderful clambakes this past month and St Casimer’s Clambake will be coming up on Saturday, October 21.  Anyone wanting tickets should call the parish rectory at (216) 481-3157.  My sincere congratulations to both Beulah Baptist Church on Cardinal Avenue and to Memorial Spiritual Church on Pawnee who both celebrated their 100th Anniversary.  May the good Lord continue to watch over these historic congregations. 

Since the last Observer, many things have happened.  With the tremendous help of the Cuyahoga County LandBank and the City’s Bureau of Demolition we have taken down over 225 abandoned and derelict structures so far. We are not going to rest until condemned structures are removed or put back into productive use.  As I have asked before, if there is an abandoned house on your street make sure we are aware of it; for who knows better than an adjacent neighbor if a structure is abandoned, vacant or occupied.  Please be proactive and turn in any property that is creating a problem on your street.  

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Volume 9, Issue 10, Posted 3:28 PM, 10.08.2017

Dog Days of Summer

It goes without saying that the Concert Series along the lakefront this Summer have been a great success.  My sincere thanks to the Beachland Park Association, Coronado Beach Association, the East Shore Park Club, and above all, the Cleveland MetroParks, for bringing “music to the neighborhood.”  We look forward to growing our concert series next summer and beyond.

Since my last update we have taken down an additional six (6) condemned and abandoned structures in addition to the 218 we have already removed.  My sincere appreciation, specifically to the Cuyahoga County Landbank, for the partnership they have established with my office. For the first time in a long period we are making serious inroads in ridding our neighborhood of these derelict properties.  My personal goal is to ramp up this effort throughout the remainder of this year into the next. Please remember, if there is an abandoned house on your street do not assume the City or County knows about it; for some neighbors have taken it upon themselves to maintain the yards and to pick up junk mail. I am greatly appreciative of these proactive neighbors. However, inspectors or our local development corporations wouldn’t know they are abandoned. So, please let us know of an abandoned structure on your street or in the neighborhood.  

Public safety is a number one priority and a foremost concern of all Cleveland residents. My sincere thanks to 5th District Commander, Sammy Morris, and the “men and women in blue” who patrol our neighborhood. This summer, with the help of our “nosey neighbors,” who I love, the 5th District was able to stay on top of many problems which could have grown. When neighbors pay attention and look out for one another, what a difference it makes.  Let’s continue to send a message to those individuals who wish to disrupt the peace and sobriety of our community; it will not be tolerated in Ward 8.  

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Volume 9, Issue 9, Posted 4:22 PM, 09.14.2017

Dog Days of Summer

It goes without saying that the Concert Series along the lakefront this Summer have been a great success.  My sincere thanks to the Beachland Park Association, Coronado Beach Association, the East Shore Park Club, and above all, the Cleveland MetroParks, for bringing “music to the neighborhood.”  We look forward to growing our concert series next summer and beyond.

Since my last update we have taken down an additional six (6) condemned and abandoned structures in addition to the 218 we have already removed.  My sincere appreciation, specifically to the Cuyahoga County Landbank, for the partnership they have established with my office. For the first time in a long period we are making serious inroads in ridding our neighborhood of these derelict properties.  My personal goal is to ramp up this effort throughout the remainder of this year into the next. Please remember, if there is an abandoned house on your street do not assume the City or County knows about it; for some neighbors have taken it upon themselves to maintain the yards and to pick up junk mail. I am greatly appreciative of these proactive neighbors. However, inspectors or our local development corporations wouldn’t know they are abandoned. So, please let us know of an abandoned structure on your street or in the neighborhood.  

Public safety is a number one priority and a foremost concern of all Cleveland residents. My sincere thanks to 5th District Commander, Sammy Morris, and the “men and women in blue” who patrol our neighborhood. This summer, with the help of our “nosey neighbors,” who I love, the 5th District was able to stay on top of many problems which could have grown. When neighbors pay attention and look out for one another, what a difference it makes.  Let’s continue to send a message to those individuals who wish to disrupt the peace and sobriety of our community; it will not be tolerated in Ward 8.  

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Volume 9, Issue 9, Posted 4:22 PM, 09.14.2017

Warm Days of Summer

There have been a lot of good things going on in the neighborhood this last month. The MetroParks Concert Series in partnership with the City has been an overwhelming success with great weather and tremendous outpouring of support from the community.  The Friday night that the Kinsman Dazz Band played there were over 2,500 concert goers who came to the park, at which time MetroParks personnel stopped counting. So, it goes without saying – “thank you” to Cleveland MetroParks and all those who have come to support the concerts at Euclid Beach.  There are two concerts left with the last of the Friday Night Concerts on August 11.   The music starts at 6:00 PM. See you there.

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Volume 9, Issue 8, Posted 12:12 PM, 08.04.2017

Councilman's Corner

Since my last Observer article there has been a great deal of positive neighborhood activity and a significant break in the ongoing investigation into the double homicide at Mr. Cars on East 185th Street.

The Cleveland Police Homicide Unit in partnership with the 5th District Police and the U.S. Marshall, Pete Elliott, and the Fugitive Task Force made a significant arrest based on evidence obtained from the business and tips from CrimeStoppers. The individual arrested, a convicted felon whose name is not worth mentioning, has been charged by the Cuyahoga County Grand Jury on a twenty-five (25) count indictment including charges for aggravated robbery and murder and is now in County Jail under a $5 million bond. Obviously, the investigation is ongoing for we all know that the cars and the entire security system did not leave the property by themselves. Stay tuned for further updates on this case as they become public. My sincere gratitude to the investigators working on this case and others.

Remember, Mike and Trina’s children and families in your prayers as well as the other victims of violent crime in our city, like Stephen Halton Jr., a Surgical Assistant and a wonderful young man and father of two, who was brutally murdered while waiting for a bus on Lakeshore Boulevard to take him to work at Cleveland Clinic where he was to assist in a critical operation that morning. His case is still open and whoever committed this horrendous act is still roaming our city streets.  Hope and pray for an arrest in this case as well.

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Volume 9, Issue 7, Posted 11:04 AM, 07.07.2017

Community Update

 As I said last month, we are Collinwood Strong! And I want to thank all the residents, merchants and citizens city-wide and beyond for the show of support for the family of Michael and Trina, late owners of Mr Cars II located on East 185th Street. On Friday, May 26, 2017 I was briefed by Police Commander James McPike, the officer in-charge of the Homicide Unit.  Obviously, the investigation is still ongoing. They have processed over a hundred pieces of evidence.  Once again, anyone having any information or knowledge of what happened at Mr. Cars on Friday, April 14, should call the Homicide Unit at (216) 623-5464 or Crimestoppers at (216) 252-7463. Again, a reward is being offered for any information leading to an arrest and conviction of the violent perpetrators.

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Volume 9, Issue 6, Posted 6:04 PM, 06.13.2017

Collinwood Strong

We are Collinwood Strong.  I have always said that one should never underestimate the resilience and tenacity of the residents of Collinwood.  We prove that time and time again. The weekend of April 14, 2017 was no exception.  Our community was struck a devastating blow by the vicious murder of Trina Tomola and Michael Kuznik in their place of business, Mr. Cars II on East 185th Street on Good Friday, April 14.  I want to make this publicly clear that this was no random act of violence. This assassination of two long-time merchants and their pet dog was deliberate and calculated. We know this by the savagery of the shooting and what was taken from the business including cars.  You have to ask yourself as I did standing there in the middle of the night with the Homicide Unit and Janet & Randy Kuznik, Michael’s parents, along with their son, Collin, what type of human savages would commit such a horrific act, on Good Friday; my guess, only God knows. I have known this family for over thirty years and they did not deserve to leave this earth in such a manner.

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Volume 9, Issue 5, Posted 4:02 PM, 05.07.2017

April Showers

That old saying – “April showers will bring May flowers!” In Cleveland, the flowers are orange barrels and potholes due to this crazy winter we’ve had.  Please be proactive on your own street and if there is a road issue please report it to the Division of Streets at (216) 664-2510. 

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Volume 9, Issue 4, Posted 5:26 PM, 04.11.2017


As we transition into Spring, there are a lot of activities and initiatives underway.  Like flowers, come construction barrels. The biggest project is rebuilding of East 152 Street which has begun in earnest. This project, long overdue for the Greater Collinwood community, will run through all of this year and possibly into early 2018.  Included in the project is a new road surface and the repair and replacement of gas & water lines and sewer work. Please be careful driving the roadway and watch for detours during the course of this much needed project which runs from Waterloo Road south to the East Cleveland line.

Cleveland City Council is presently holding General Fund Budget Hearings.  I have a lot of questions with regard to the budget and city services and how the passage of Issue 32, the city income tax increase, will address those concerns. The Council has a lot of work to do and I look forward to being engaged over the next three weeks in this process. The budget we pass by April 1 MUST be a “real people’s” budget with an emphasis on “quality of life” issues.

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Volume 9, Issue 3, Posted 3:59 PM, 03.09.2017

Councilman Update

I am sure you have heard the phrase, “buckle up, hang on, we are in for a bumpy ride!” Well, folks, I think we are on an interesting ride both in this country and maybe locally. We have a new President and

As the old saying goes, “the proof will be in the pudding.” Locally, we are all watching as to what federal and /or state programs could be affected by the possibility of federal departments being eliminated/ combined or the reduction in funding for economic development initiatives and capital improvements. Only time will tell. I can assure you that this year will be very interesting and one we will not soon forget.

Just when you think you are prepared for “almost anything” we get the word on Sunday, January 22, that our dear friend, the Honorable Judge Raymond L. Pianka, of the Cleveland Municipal Housing Court, died suddenly. Just as we were not prepared for the death of our neighbor the Honorable Senator George V. Voinovich last summer, Judge Pianka’s death was a real blow to our neighborhoods. My heartfelt sympathy goes out to his wife, Karen, and their family. Besides losing a personal friend we lost an advocate for housing code enforcement, not only on the prosecution side, but for restoration, preservation, and advocacy on behalf of our neighborhoods. May he rest in Peace.

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Volume 9, Issue 2, Posted 6:05 PM, 02.08.2017

Happy New Year – Welcome 2017

Welcome to 2017. I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas, Chanukah and Kwanzaa Celebrations. I wish all in our community a healthy, prosperous and safe New Year.

A lot transpired in 2016 on the development front and I am looking forward to an even more prosperous 2017. The long-awaited resurfacing and rebuilding of East 152 Street will begin within the first quarter of the year and will take us through 2018. This project is critical to the Collinwood Village community. I ask for all of your patience as this major project proceeds throughout the year.  

Work has begun on the historic LaSalle Theatre.  I believe in this project so strongly that I committed partial funding from our Ward allocation dollars for this lynchpin project. Thank you to Northeast Shores Development Corporation (NSDC) for spearheading this restoration and we look forward to visiting this venue once again. Anyone wishing to donate to this non-profit endeavor should call NSDC at (216) 481-7660.

The new multi-million dollar Salvation Army Temple Corps at 17625 Grovewood is tentatively set to officially open Sunday, 19 March. As I have said before, the Salvation Army has made a major commitment to our community and I cannot say enough good things about them.  Please remember them when you think about financially supporting non-profit neighborhood groups who work on behalf of our children and the neediest amongst us.

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Volume 9, Issue 1, Posted 12:11 PM, 01.13.2017


The Presidential election is over with; thank goodness. Those of you who voted and exercised your constitutional right – THANK YOU.  Those who didn’t – don’t complain. For, this election demonstrated, once again, how every vote counts. Only time will tell how our new President and his Cabinet will address the growing concerns of everyday citizens.  I will pray for him and his family just as I do for President Obama and his family.  We can only hope that he will work on behalf of all the American citizens and their families.  

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Volume 8, Issue 12, Posted 6:48 PM, 12.04.2016

November Winds

The winds of change are upon us.  Please make sure you get your home winterized and your furnace and/or heating systems checked before the severe cold sets in.  Every year we have families being affected by carbon monoxide poisoning do to malfunctioning heaters or blocked chimneys/stacks.  Preventative maintenance goes a long way to keeping your family safe and warm this winter. 

With the change in season always comes that special day – and it’s not Halloween –even though it just may be scarier; that is ELECTION DAY! The day of fate is NOVEMBER 8th. I, like many of you, am not happy by what I see, read and hear virtually every day about this Presidential election as well as the statewide races we are confronted with as concerned citizens. As I have said repeatedly, Democracy is neither free nor pretty at times. This election, certainly, at least in my lifetime, has exceeded in every negative way possible. It has truly become ugly and as a result many citizens have become disenchanted and I hear far too often about folks not wanting to vote or plain simply will not vote. 

All I can say, from someone who has been voting since I was legally able to, and what I have told my own children on more than one occasion, I vote not just for myself and my own family but also for my community and especially for those who made the ultimate sacrifice defending this great country during all the wars and all the conflicts from the American Revolution to all the battles we still fight today, including attacks by terrorists and religious fanatics.  I am constantly reminded of that when I visit the various churches in our community and see the plaques and monuments to those who served and died in defense of this great nation. For the most part – they were just kids just out of high school or in some cases who quit school to enlist; some making the ultimate sacrifice and some coming home permanently disabled and not the same. 

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Volume 8, Issue 11, Posted 7:00 PM, 11.07.2016

Councilman's Corner

It continues to be a great summer and as we enter Fall we look forward to the kick-off of even more developments in the community.There have been some very positive developments since my last column. First, MetroParks held its first public meeting in the community on September 22 at the Collinwood Recreation Center regarding the reconstruction of the historic Euclid Beach pier at the park. This capital project has been something I have lobbied for many years and now I can see the light at the end of the tunnel (and it’s not a train) or the practically speaking the horizon. It is my personal opinion that once the pier is constructed, which will be handicapped accessible, that Euclid Beach Park will become a destination place for the greater Collinwood community and beyond. Those of us who grew up remembering the original pier – remember it as a place for fishing, site seeing and watching the sun sunset with loved ones. I cannot wait to take that walk once again for I am committed to seeing this project come to fruition. 

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Volume 8, Issue 10, Posted 7:55 PM, 10.03.2016

Councilman’s Corner

What great weather we’ve been blessed with this summer.  My sincere thanks to all who have supported all the neighborhood events and activities.  We had a great turn out for the Mayor’s Night Out Against Crime at the Humphrey’s Sports Complex on Tuesday, August 2, 2016 and my many thanks to the neighborhood organizations who staff the booths and tents.  Holy Redeemer Feast of the Assumption held on August 7th was a great show of support  as well.  The Friday night concert series at Euclid Beach Park had record turnouts and the Cleveland Metroparks is already working on next year’s musical line-up.  Veterans Park has been completed at East 174th Street and Lakeshore Blvd. and I can say that it looks great and if you have the time, please visit the memorial stone, it’s truly inspiring.

My sincere appreciation is extended to the Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District for their contributions towards this most worthy endeavor.  The historic LaSalle Theater groundbreaking took place on Tuesday, August 9th and many thanks to the Northeast Shores Development Corporation for championing this project and anyone wishing to donate to make sure that this project is a success, please contact NESDC at 216 481-7660. 

Between our local development corporations, Collinwood/Nottingham Village, St.Clair-Superior and Northeast Shores, we believe that we have identified all abandoned and foreclosed properties in Ward 8.  If you believe that we may missed a property on your street, please call your local CDC to report the address.  We are working with the Cuyahoga County Fiscal Officer on making sure that all of the abandoned/delinquent property tax homes are processed for foreclosure and ultimate sheriff sale and/or demolition.  Our goal in 2016-17, is to rid our community of as many of these properties as we can.

As always, I can be reached at my office at 216 664-4236


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Volume 8, Issue 9, Posted 5:03 PM, 09.09.2016