by Jeanne Coppola
Why does the government consider many of us non-essential workers and forbid us to work, and close businesses, and make companies go bankrupt, while the politicians get to keep their jobs? Why should we vote and give jobs to the politicians when they take our jobs away from us?
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Volume 12, Issue 9, Posted 4:17 PM, 09.03.2020
by Jeanne Coppola
The CDC has guidelines about the coronavirus and about wearing masks that does not explain everything completely. We need to know about the effectiveness of cloth masks, against aerosols. Because the CDC says cloth masks protect against droplets, but experts say the virus is airborne (in aerosols), which can pass through the mask.
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Volume 12, Issue 8, Posted 6:19 PM, 08.10.2020
by Jeanne Coppola
The CDC has guidelines about the coronavirus and about wearing masks that does not explain everything completely. We need to know about the effectiveness of cloth masks, against aerosols. Because the CDC says cloth masks protect against droplets, but experts say the virus is airborne (in aerosols), which can pass through the mask.
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Volume 12, Issue 8, Posted 6:19 PM, 08.10.2020
by Jeanne Coppola
I wonder why the Centers for Disease Control suddenly came out with an instruction manual allowing deaths to be reported on a death certificate as being from COVID-19, even if they were not sure of the cause? The instructions say: “In cases where a definite diagnosis of COVID–19 cannot be made, but it is suspected...it is acceptable to report COVID–19 on a death certificate as “probable” or “presumed.”
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Volume 12, Issue 7, Posted 5:01 PM, 07.06.2020
by Jeanne Coppola
The novel 1984, by George Orwell is about a government that totally controls every part of a person’s life. Is this what is suddenly happening, here in America, with the coronavirus scare? Why are politicians telling us what to do, and forbidding us to go to work and go outside, because of a coronavirus that the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) says is contagious, while the news gives us conflicting information about wearing masks and social distancing. Is 1984 finally here, thirty six years later?
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Volume 12, Issue 6, Posted 11:51 AM, 06.07.2020
by Jeanne Coppola
Cleveland should consider opting out of the plastic bag ban, initiated by Sunny Simon and Dale Miller of Cuyahoga County Council, because Simon and Miller have not proven that the majority of plastic pollution in Lake Erie is predominately from plastic bags.
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Volume 12, Issue 1, Posted 5:13 PM, 01.12.2020
by Jeanne Coppola
This is an open letter to Cuyahoga County Council members Sunny Simon and Dale Miller about their pending legislation to ban single use plastic carry out bags.
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Volume 11, Issue 5, Posted 10:48 AM, 05.05.2019
by Alexander Chavers
Ohio voters decided the fate of Issue #1 this November, with 63.4% voting “No”. A “Yes” would have radically shifted Ohio drug law by reclassifying many drug-related offenses (such as obtaining, possession, and use) as misdemeanors, rather than felonies.
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Volume 10, Issue 12, Posted 1:14 PM, 12.07.2018
by Jeanne Coppola
If you want to enroll in a Medicare Advantage Plan, there are some things you should know. Medicare Advantage Plans are not what they seem, because Advantage Plans are funded by Medicare, and you cannot choose the plan you want (Medicare has to approve it); and you could get a different plan (one that Medicare approves), instead of the plan you wanted. And once enrolled, you cannot use your Medicare card anymore, because you have to use the Advantage Plan insurance card instead!
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Volume 10, Issue 10, Posted 8:10 AM, 10.14.2018
by Jeanne Coppola
The new Ordinance introduced by Cuyahoga Council members Sunny Simon and Dale Miller to charge ten cents for every paper and plastic carry out bag at retail stores is a bad idea. The plastic bags are a convenience and service provided to the customers for their purchases. (Isn’t the cost already included in the purchase?) Will the fee make people pay twice?
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Volume 9, Issue 12, Posted 10:07 AM, 12.08.2017
by Christen DuVernay
I was recently elected to the Northeast Shores Board of Directors in an election that boasted a record turn out. I’ve seen numerous stories printed and heard from folks in the neighborhood about what a disappointment or what a victory this was. Even as an individual who was voted in during that meeting, I found the election and the conversations following it quite troubling for many reasons, a few of which I hope to outline here.
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Volume 9, Issue 3, Posted 3:59 PM, 03.09.2017
by Jeanne Coppola
I recommend the movie “Arrival” because it presents a new version of aliens and a different possible reason for their arrival and identity. It also explores ideas about physics and science, and the alien’s interpretation of time.
The movie’s tone starts immediately with a view Louise Bank’s (Amy Adams) isolated home, as she goes to work to teach a linguist class. When one of her students, who is immersed in her laptop (instead of the lecture), tells Banks to turn on the overhead news channel, the tension start immediately. The news reporter announces that there are 12 oval alien crafts, each 1,500 feet tall, positioned around the world, with no known explanation as to why they are here…
When Colonel Weber (Forest Whitaker) asks Bank to help translate the alien sounds and language, she is assisted by physicist Ian Donnelly (Jeremy Renner), who becomes a part of her future as it relates to her past.
“Arrival” is suspenseful, and thoughtful throughout. It has very beautiful and somber music depicting the aliens (called heptapods by the scientists), as they emerge out of the mists, into view for the first time. They are not human in shape, but more like huge life forms related to an octopus. After initially viewing them, they appear very primeval, and take on a serene eternal quality. The heptapod’s non-linear writing is also very beautiful with its circular and mysterious form. And the discussion about how language is understood was fascinating.
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Volume 8, Issue 12, Posted 6:48 PM, 12.04.2016
by William McCulloch
Driving down East 185th Street you may have notice some new activity at the former Old World Meats storefront at the the northeast corner of Abby Avenue. The Democratic party has opened a campaign field office there to organize volunteers, register voters (last day is October 11th), distribute signs, and answer questions.
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Volume 8, Issue 10, Posted 7:55 PM, 10.03.2016
by Jeanne Coppola
I found a book at the library that I wanted to tell readers about. The book is The Witch of Lime Street: Séance, Seduction, and Houdini in the Spirit World, by David Jaher.
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Volume 8, Issue 8, Posted 1:19 PM, 08.11.2016
by Sherrie Zagorc
A cold winter has a tendency to keep us indoors. You may already be bored with reading books, cleaning, or doing crafts but as a lifelong learner, I would like to introduce you to something that I discovered in 2014 at coursera.org. Coursera is an organization that provides universal access to the world’s best education partnering with top universities and organizations to offer courses online.
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Volume 8, Issue 2, Posted 4:59 PM, 02.06.2016
by William McCulloch
Rocco Scotti passed away on September 11 at the age of 95. He became renowned for singing his rendition of the national anthem for decades at Muncipal Statium Indian games.
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Volume 7, Issue 10, Posted 5:41 PM, 10.12.2015
by Allison Lukacsy
The construction barrels are gone, the detour signs down, new and old businesses are thriving. Yet, the Waterloo Arts District struggles to look and feel like a destination. Walking through the district one hour before the August “Walk All Over Waterloo”, one would never have guessed an event was imminent.
It fuels my fire, working as a master planner and streetscape designer for new developments around Cleveland, because unfortunately what we have in North Collinwood is a complete road, not a complete streetscape.
Yes, we have tabletops and wider sidewalks and a stage that someday soon may host regular programming thanks to the efforts of the Waterloo Merchants Association. We have a funky, sustainable parking lot at Azure and the unique steel megaphone sculpture with announcement board.
We also have ho-hum bus shelters, a palate of beige pavers and typically striped pedestrian intersections. We have loosely defined boundaries (marked only by a “Waterloo” sculpture on the west-bound side of the district and a billboard on the highway). We have utility poles left inexplicably above ground and unadorned with lights or paint or banners or anything graphic that might clue in a visitor that they have arrived at a place, not a throughway. And we have very few trees that survived planting.
While the hard elements are immovable, we do have the great opportunity to shape the street’s “softscape”, including branding an identity visible in district-wide banners projecting from buildings and utility poles, directional signage identifying business locations and informational markers that tie together the many murals in our neighborhood.
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Volume 7, Issue 9, Posted 6:40 PM, 09.08.2015
by Allison Lukacsy
This is a love letter to my city, your city, our city.
The hashtag began as a promotional campaign (think Positively Cleveland!) and spawned a population that truly does love Cleveland. And why not?
Last month I had the opportunity to chat about our city with a reporter out of Atlanta, Georgia. His former post in New York City had him crossing paths with a friend of a friend who became a Facebook friend whose Newsfeed constantly reminded her of the fact that I, Ali Lukacsy, love my adopted hometown on Lake Erie.
Cleveland, recently and suddenly shoved into the spotlight as a top travel destination, popped on the reporter’s radar and two degrees of separation later I was happily chatting off his ear.
I moved to Cleveland four year ago, in January 2011. Yes, in the dead of winter. I quickly busied myself with the lay of the land after work and on weekends, digesting Scene’s “Top 10 Lists”, taking pottery classes, volunteering at the Cleveland Museum of Art.
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Volume 7, Issue 2, Posted 10:04 PM, 02.05.2015
by John Copic
I am responding to William J. Sanek’s Article published in the June 2014 issue of The Collinwood Observer Page 18 Volume 6 Issue 5.
Over the past few years I have been caring for a number of feral cats that have come to my yard; I have never turned a cat away. Of the three feral cats I have cared for in the past few years, one was neutered by the APL ad adopted out due to his gentle, friendly nature; the 2nd was neutered a year ago, and the 3rd, a very illusive Tuxedo car, was finally captured and neutered after 4 attempts at trapping. This Tuxedo cat still comes to eat but otherwise is still extremely illusive after 3 years.
In my house reside 3 feral cats, which I befriended as kittens, and was able to entice into my house with food where they continue to reside. These three cats have been spayed and neutered. Most recently I have Ginger and EBFCP to thank for helping me deal with an abandoned cat which had her four kittens in a cat bed on my porch in April. Within a day and a half Ginger had me moving the mother and kittens into a room in my house where I could ‘socialize’ the kittens in preparation for adoption. Two of the four kittens have recently gone out for adoption and the mother and two remaining kittens, which are still in my care, will soon be spayed through the Cleveland APL Feral Cat Spay and Neuter Program. These three cats will remain in my care until adoption or other arrangements can be made.
I cannot thank Ginger and EBFCP enough for the bags of cat chow and cases of canned food she’s dropped at my door, as well as the vet bills and spay and neuter costs that EBFCP has paid on the kittens behalf. Since I am without an auto, Ginger has also taken me to purchase additional food and cat litter. I know EBFCP will be there to help with any additional cats that may show up on my porch and will aid me in trapping and getting these cats to the APL for spay and neutering. I will do all I can to help EBFCP in their wonderful work. Ginger can be reached at www.EBFCP.org. Come on people, have some compassion. Don’t blame the cats for the life people have forced them to live.
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Volume 6, Issue 6, Posted 1:39 PM, 07.12.2014
by Deborah Gulyas
This article is in response to an article submitted by William J. Sanek and published in The Collinwood Observer, page 16 of volume 6 issue 5 June 2014.
The Euclid Beach Feral Cat Project and Waterloo Alley Cat Project both agree wholeheartedly with Mr. Sanek that all cats would be better off living inside a home, but this is an unrealistic solution to solving the feral cat overpopulation that is occuring in every major city accross the country. Cats that are born and raised outside fear humans and are not adoptable. Just as Mr. Sanek points out “cat overpopulation is a human caused tragedy,” HUMANS are also the greatest threat to the survival of wildlife in the United States, NOT cats. Most of the world’s ecosystems are facing multiple threats caused by humans and each new threat places additional stress on our already weakened ecosystems and their wildlife, for example: global warming, habitat loss, oil spills, pesticides, and pollution. There are only a few places left on the planet where the negative affect of humans has not been felt. Humans have exploited and left their footprints on nearly every corner of the globe and are sadly leaving less and less room for wildlife.1
Our TNR groups have never seen a cat with rabies during our 5 years of performing trap-neuter-return (TNR) of over 850 cats in North Collinwood and none of us have suffered from any diseases caused by our handling of numerous cats. There has not been a case of a cat to human transmission of rabies reported in the U.S. for over 35 years and there are more cases of deaths from West Nile Virus than rabies. Wildlife is the number one source of rabies because they are not vaccinated, and rabies can only be transmitted to humans through bites. Since feral cats fear humans, they will run away rather than stay and attack. We should mention that cats are routinely vaccinated for rabies as part of trap-neuter-return programs.
Cats are a natural deterrent to rats and mice just from their scent alone, but spilled bird seed under bird feeders will attract rodents. Although we all love birds, they are disease carriers and cause more illnesses than cats. People continue to unfairly blame cats for carrying disease and killing birds even though it is just as likely to see birds of prey swoop down and kill unsuspecting birds while feeding at a bird feeder. Cats do kill birds, but studies repeatedly demonstrate that cats kill the easiest readily available prey -- most often, small rodents. As fast and cunning as cats are, they can't fly.
Our 2 volunteer groups strive to educate people about feral cats and make the world a better place. We did not create the problem of feral cat overpopulation in North Collinwood, but we are a small group of people trying to solve the problem. Part of our educating includes giving advise to people who don’t want cats their yard and how to humanely discourage their pesence because removing or killing cats doesn’t work. Intentionally killing a cat is a criminal offense in all 50 states and the District of Columbia, regardless of ownership. Anticruelty laws apply to all cats—companion, abandoned, lost, and feral.
The program is called trap-neuter-return (TNR) because we are returning the cats to what they consider their “home” and we continue to care for them which is not re-abandoning. TNR DOES work which is why programs have been implemented in almost every city across the United States and is endorsed by The U.S. Humane Society, Alley Cat Allies, and ASPCA.
1 The National Wildlife Federation, www.nwf.org 2012
Click here: Friends of Animals - 10 Lives: An Inspiring Story About Humane Feral Cat Management
Click here: Setting the Record Straight - Alley Cat Allies
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Volume 6, Issue 6, Posted 1:39 PM, 07.12.2014
by Donald Holcombe
In stronger communities, individuals feel less isolated, are more active in their community and have a greater sense of pride and place in their neighborhood. They are more empowered, lead local decision making and act together to lead sustainable lifestyles. How can we make our community one? We have already begun this process with the help of our city leaders. In 2011, the Collinwood Recreational Center was introduced to Ward 11, which has been the major start of introducing two different generations to each other. Not only are their activities for the younger adults, but the elders of the community as well. What this does is allow both generations to come together under one roof without them realizing they are doing so. Now what we have to do is find a way to introduce both generations to each other. Fact is, with a community as lovely as ours and that provides so much opportunity and growth for families we are constantly having new younger families moving in intertwining with the elders of the communities. I am proud of the progress my community is making, but we still have work to do. I am sure it will be done with the driving force that comes with having a Councilman Mike Polensek. I am here to represent the new generation of our community that many of our community leaders simply don’t understand. We have to understand that times change, with that being said nothing changes if nothing changes. I am that change that our community desperately needs. I want to lead with understanding and not ignoring a certain generation of the community. So please join me in my effort to connect generations.
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Volume 6, Issue 5, Posted 5:48 PM, 06.09.2014
by Jeanne Coppola
In reply to last month's article by Congresswoman Marcia L. Fudge: "Straight talk about enrolling in the Health Insurance Marketplace," I have five questions for Congresswoman Fudge...
Here are my questions:
Q: 1-What is the purpose of requiring universal health insurance for everyone, when doctors make so many mistakes that 100,000 patients die each year from medical errors?
The government has known about this since 1999, and it is still happening today!
Q: 2- What is the purpose of having universal health insurance when doctors do not have to make the correct diagnosis?
Example: Male patient had blood colored floaters inside his eye. He went to the ER and the doctors’ took a CAT scan of his brain, looking for a stroke. (FYI: CAT scans give a lot of radiation equal to 100 x-rays!) He was told “everything is fine,” and sent home. He later went to an eye doctor who said he had hemorrhaging inside his eye, and needed immediate laser surgery to correct a torn retina!
Q: 3-What is the purpose of having universal health insurance, when doctors are allowed to ignore serious medical problems, and infections?
Example: Female patient (an elderly senior citizen), went to the ER with red swollen legs that were “weeping fluid.” The doctors send her home. She could not walk, and the hospital drove her home in a wheelchair van. A few days later she is hospitalized for several weeks with cellulitis (a bacterial infection beneath the skin), and is given intravenous antibiotics.
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Volume 5, Issue 9, Posted 10:24 AM, 10.14.2013
by Jeanne Coppola
I am sure everyone knows about the new Horseshoe Casino in downtown Cleveland. It has been written about in The Plain Dealer many times since its opening. First as a new venue for local jobs and then as a resource for tourism...
But I have many unanswered questions that should be answered by a casino representative:
1-What happens with the millions of dollars that the casino makes? Where is all this money going? Does the City of Cleveland get a portion? If so, how is it used?
2-Do the Horseshoe Casino owners know why they have had less revenue than expected these last months?
I can answer that. I was a visitor to the casino last month, and my visit was not pleasant. I speak for others, also!
First: When I arrived, I wandered around in the blinking, beeping, gold lighted arcade through a maze of machines that felt like being inside some strange new world from "The Twilight Zone." Ready to suck us in. There was a fakeness and emptiness and strangeness, from all the gold lights. A bizarre feeling. When I ended up at the back of the building, and saw the old Higbee's steps--the only remembrance that was left--I thought "What have they done to this building?" What a shame!
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Volume 5, Issue 2, Posted 10:39 AM, 03.19.2013
by Donald Holcombe
Youth violence is widespread, and is the second leading cause of death nationally for people between the ages of 10 and 24, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention/National Center for Injury Prevention and Control. These statistics are heart-wrenching, and the pain and suffering is felt profoundly by families and the wider community.
I was intentionally going to begin this article with statistics on the murder rate of our community but I figured the number isn’t zero so it doesn’t matter because one murder is too many especially for my neighborhood. But the question that so many seem to not have an answer to in this community is “how do we stop youth violence?"
Then again maybe we do have an answer but are taking the wrong approach to fix the problems. And then again maybe the people in this community are all talk and no action. When was the last time you contacted your councilman or political figure in your community to just ask, “What are you doing about youth violence?”
If you haven’t done this or can’t remember the last time, then you are a part of the problem (all talk and no action). It’s time the people of this community come together to answer the question, “What do we do about youth violence?” so that we can take the correct approach to zero tolerance of crime in our community.
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Volume 5, Issue 1, Posted 6:44 PM, 02.12.2013
by Jeanne Coppola
Does anyone agree with me, that cursive writing should not be eliminated from being taught in public school classrooms? If no one leans how to write, how will anyone be able to put their signature on documents? How will people sign their names when opening a bank account, or using debit cards, or registering for college, or buying a car, buying a house, or...the list is endless. Will people revert to the olden days and mark their "X" on the signature line?
Will anyone still know how to write in the future? Men or women? Professors or elite groups of society? Will women be excluded? Should parents start secretly teaching their children how to write in longhand? Didn't some people secretly teach women how to read and write in the past, when women were not allowed to know how?
Will learning how to read be the next thing to be eliminated from our schools? With audio books on the market, will ours become an illiterate society?
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Volume 4, Issue 7, Posted 2:05 PM, 08.11.2012
by Dennis Freeman
Not many neighborhoods in the U.S. are fortunate enough to sit on the coast of a major body of water. Collinwood is one of the lucky few with this unique amenity. With that kind of advantage, all of us should strive to keep the lake as well as the rest of our neighborhood clean. At times, large amounts of litter may be seen on sidewalks, lawns, vacant lots and especially under the freeway underpasses of our neighborhood. This should not be acceptable. No one would want to see this kind of trash on the floors of their house, the same values should be carried over to our streets. This is our home. The difference between a subpar neighborhood and a great one is the mentality of its residents.
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Volume 4, Issue 7, Posted 2:07 PM, 08.11.2012
by Dennis Freeman
Much is going on in the city, in regards to new development and reinvestment. Most notably in areas such as Collinwood's own Waterloo neighborhood, University Circle, downtown, and quite a few west side areas. Optimism is seemingly climbing and respectability is returning to many different neighborhoods. Amidst all of this South Collinwood is often viewed as a second-class neighborhood outside of Collinwood, throughout the rest of the city, from my experience.
If you talk to people outside the neighborhood about the area south of the CSX tracks, many view it as some kind of war zone or crime haven. This couldn't be farther from the truth as Fifth District statistics prove that South Collinwood is the second lowest crime area on the northeast side(second only to North Collinwood). At the same time, one can almost see how outsiders could come to that conclusion considering how the news and the mainstream local media seem to portray the neighborhood with an imbalance of light being shed on bad news as opposed to the good. This can also be understood when noticing the amount of empty storefronts along St Clair, signifying a possible exodus of some kind, which normally leads people to ask the question, what's wrong that caused this?
This perception can be changed by educating folks on the good of South Collinwood. Remind people of the beautiful stadium near the Five Points intersection. Remind people of the beautiful newer school facilities that are Hannah Gibbons and East Clark as well as the one and only Job Corps Center, providing young adults with valuable skills so that they can excel. Inform them of the two businesses in the neighborhood serving fresh, locally grown produce: Cavotta's Garden Center and the Coit Road Farmers Market that sits on the border our neighborhood shares with East Cleveland. Tell them of the sidestreets lined with well-kept properties and people who still care about their neighborhood. Invite people to come and see what the neighborhood has to offer.
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Volume 4, Issue 4, Posted 5:19 PM, 05.03.2012
by Dennis Freeman
With summer approaching, many are eager to take the steps towards getting in shape. Our new Collinwood Recreational Center, which is a great facility by the way, has a walking club that takes those steps towards health every Wednesday and Friday at 8am.
It would be great to see this sort of activity become more widespread in our community as many people may not be able to make it to the rec center due to obligations. I think it would be great for our community to form walking clubs in their particular sections of our neighborhood that could meet on maybe a couple evenings out of the week or weekend afternoons. It would be a great way for everyone from the young to the elderly to burn off some calories with like minded people while encouraging a social atmosphere amongst our neighborhood.
If you are interested and/or have any locations or routes you think should be organized, please visit www.collinwoodobserver.com click on observation deck on the left side, create a log-in, and submit your ideas on the forum.
Or you can visit and make your suggestions at one of the monthly neighborhood meetings, at the following times: Collinwood Homeowners' and Tenants' Association: First Wednesday, 7PM, St Mary's School, 15519 Holmes Ave, E 185th St Block Watch: Second Tuesday, 6PM, Lithuanian Village Hall, 877 E 185th St, Nottingham Civic Club: Third Tuesday, 7PM, Nottingham United Methodist Church, 18316 St Clair Ave, East 156th St Block Watch: Third Wednesday, 6PM, B&M BBQ, 15116 Lakeshore Blvd.
Dennis Freeman is a young adult interested in the advancement and sustainability of Collinwood and it's youth.
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Volume 4, Issue 4, Posted 5:32 PM, 05.03.2012
by Jeanne Coppola
The Northeast Shores Collinwood area should have a job club for residents who need support in their search for employment. Since there are many diverse job seekers, in the North Collinwood area, ranging from students to adults reentering the work force, I suggest that a "North Shores Collinwood Job Seekers Group" be started.
It could be different from other job clubs in surrounding suburbs, in that it would be accessible to local residents, and cover a wide variety of topics, including information for our many older workers and people with disabilities. The topics covered and suggestions from members could be endless...
As an example: local merchants and companies could volunteer a half hour of their time to speak at meetings and give participants an idea of the employment picture in our neighborhood. Librarians and school teachers could give resources on the fundamentals of online websites. And a fax service, with copy facilities, could be provided (for a nominal fee) by the new Collinwood Recreation Center, which has a computer lab.
There could be widespread community involvement, with employers and job seekers meeting and getting to know each other which would be very beneficial to everyone involved.
Meetings could be held at the Memorial-Nottingham library, or at Villa-Angela St. Joseph High School.
Anyone with suggestions and ideas, please call 216-268-1818. Or submit responses to the Collinwood Observer. Go to www.collinwoodobserver.com, click in Members Center, sign in and submit.
Jeanne Coppola is a life long resident of the Collinwood neighborhood, and is interested in art and writing. She graduated from Collinwood High School, and attended Cleveland State University (CSU).
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Volume 4, Issue 2, Posted 8:26 AM, 03.03.2012
by Katherine Bulava
September 8th is International Literacy Day, created 45 years ago by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) to celebrate literacy and remind the international community of the obstacles that still remain to global literacy.
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Volume 3, Issue 7, Posted 3:48 PM, 09.15.2011
by Elena Tomorowitz
I’ve always had happy memories at the Grovewood Wine Bar, especially in the winter, when the bartender has the best prescription for the cold: a sturdy Manhattan or a high-octane microbrew on tap. What makes an even happier experience there is when you arrive in time for the $5 at 5 happy hour menu, which features a great list of food and drink for only five dollars each. It runs Monday through Friday from 5:00pm to 6:30pm, which means you can shake off that bad day just in time to catch that show, or the Ohio governor in my case, at the Beachland Ballroom.
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Volume 2, Issue 11, Posted 2:14 PM, 11.11.2010
by Jeanne Coppola
I would like to suggest a new column where residents can show their appreciation and ask questions of local merchants.
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Volume 2, Issue 9, Posted 4:02 PM, 09.03.2010
by Chris Alusheff
It is wonderful to hear all the great news about the revitalization of the Waterloo, E. 185th Street, and Lakeshore neighborhoods. I am happy to see the residents of Collinwood taking such an active role in drawing people to the area, and making it an enjoyable place to live, eat and have fun. However, it seems that people forget that Collinwood does not end at the train tracks, there is still half of the neighborhood south of the CSX terminal. And for the those folks that are aware of South Collinwood, there is more to our humble half than Holy Redeemer, Mirable's and the high school. Please don't take this article the wrong way because as a person from Collinwood, I view success anywhere as a success everywhere. It would just be nice to see all the effort being put into North Collinwood, equally implemented in South Collinwood. It seems there is an endless supply of Community groups (I.e. Northeast Shores, Collinwood-Nottingham, Euclid Beach, Lasalle Marquee) that have done a wonderful job to restore great neighborhoods to their former glory and then some. My challenge to the people of South Collinwood, business owners and residents alike, myself included, get together to see what we can do to get back on par with the northern half of our community. We need to take a hands on approach because neighborhoods do not revitalize themselves, but I'm willing to put in the time and energy if you are. So people that are serious about coming up with ideas and willing to meet and discuss them please feel free to contact me at ctalusheff@yahoo.com.
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Volume 2, Issue 8, Posted 1:25 PM, 07.27.2010
by Michel Hodges
The list in last month's paper hit the highlights but I have thought of a few more: Radell's Sausage, the St. Anthony procession and festival at Holy Redeemer, the garden behind Memorial Nottingham library, Christmas Midnight Mass at St. Jerome, Cavotta's Nursery and Coit Road Farmer's Market.
Living by the lake and great neighbors top my personal list!
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Volume 2, Issue 8, Posted 1:20 PM, 06.15.2010
by Rhonda Hudson-Williams
At this time, the country is experiencing 9.5 percent of folks being unemployed. More and more people are out of work for longer and longer. The number of people out of work for more than six months rose by 169,000 to 6.9 million, which is 45.9 percent of all the unemployed.
With so many people not working, people are starting to rely on themselves for their own security, and tapping into skills they have not used. There seems to be a movement of “I can depend on myself to take care of myself. I want to control my own destiny”.
Being laid off can be used as a time of relaxation, reflection and freedom. Not having to concern one’s self with setting the clock, upper management issues, and fighting traffic, one can become free.
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Volume 2, Issue 8, Posted 5:18 PM, 07.24.2010
by Jeanne Coppola
This is an open letter to the RTA. On Thursday June 24th, I was almost seriously injured riding the Westbound Healthline Bus #2914 that arrived at Public Square at 3:36 pm. I wanted the stop near East 6th street. The bus was standing-room only, as usual. I have a disability and trouble walking. I can NOT walk on a moving bus. I had to wait until the bus stopped before I could make my way to the rear exit.
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Volume 2, Issue 7, Posted 5:42 PM, 06.27.2010
by John Copic
Well this is my favorite Observer so far. We have a little bit of everything. We have festival maps, a whole summer full of fun events, good news, bad news, and weird stories. We have some actual newsworthy serious and important stories. But we are still missing one thing. We do not have your story.
Tell us about the Collinwood railroad yards and what it was like to work there. Tell us where you were on Friday, October 20th, 1944 when half of Cleveland blew up. Tell us about your first date at Sandy's Ice Cream on Lakeshore blvd. (If you have not yet had the foot long hot dog with chili and onions - go there - now.) Tell us about the polka jam sessions at Zele's bar - which is now the Art's Collinwood cafe. We want to hear these stories.
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Volume 2, Issue 6, Posted 9:59 PM, 06.08.2010
by Vilija Nasvytis Klimas
We are Cleveland's Best Kept Secret! And why? We all know how enjoyable it is to be a part of the north shore neighborhoods (although, with the recent real estate market, we have, no doubt, felt "under siege"...) Now is a good opportunity to remind ourselve of what it is we love: so.... like the poem says... "Let me count the ways...!"
1. The LAKE!
2. Wildwood Park
3. 15 minutes from downtown
4. Affordable housing
5. Walkability
6. Awesome restaurants
7. Good schools kids walk to
8. Waterloo arts scene!
9. Boating
10. Places of worship
11. Family friendly!
12. Block watches
13. Cool coffee shops
14. Neighborhood pride!
15. Bicycling
16. Fabulous rentals!
17. Yummy bakeries
18. Diversity
19. Independent businesses
20. Galleries
21. Fun pubs!
22. Excellent transportation
23. Great neighbors
24. Shopping variety
25. Pet friendly
26. Lots of ethnic eateries
28. Community gardens
29. Events on E. 185th
30. Sunsets!
31. The Beachland Ballroom
32. Investment opportunities!
33. Banks and Post Office
34. The LaSalle renaissance
35. Gyms
36. The Collinwood Observer
37. New community center!
38. Hospitals
39. Concerts at East Park
40. Shopping variety
41. Euclid Beach carousel
42. Block parties!
43. VASJ Viking pride
44. Variety of housing
45. Close to EVERYTHING
Why stop at 45? Let us know YOUR top reasons! Go to www.collinwoodobserver.com, click on Member Center, click on Submit and title is, "Reasons we love Collinwood."
Vilija Nasvytis Klimas is a REALTOR®, specializing in the NorthEast Shores neighborhoods. Contact her at vilija@mysuitehome.com
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Volume 2, Issue 6, Posted 4:54 PM, 05.14.2010
by Mike Gallagher
President Obama and the U.S. congress have passed landmark health care legislation. It is being hailed as the most significant health care legislation since the passage of Medicare in 1965.
The Collinwood Observer wanted to talk to some our citizens (neighbors) and hear their thoughts about the new law.
C.J., a customer at the Phade Away Barbershop on E.185 feels: "This has been a fight between those who have, and those who don't, between those who have plenty and those in need..." Even with the passage of the new law, C.J is somewhat skeptical. "I'm concerned that we who need it most, may not see it."
Bill Gibson, of Blue Sky Bicycle on E185, wonders how the new legislation will affect him as a small business owner. "Small business is the backbone of our country. Health Care Insurance for all is a noble thought, a great idea.. hope springs eternal.. I just hope that it will work for the average guy.."
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Volume 2, Issue 5, Posted 4:38 PM, 04.03.2010
by Louise Foresman
It's about a week since the 40th anniversary of the first Earth Day in 1970. As you've no doubt heard, Earth Day sparked the environmental movement that gave us such improvements as the Clean Water and Clean Air Acts and dozens of other environmental laws that resulted in the indoor and outdoor air and water quality we enjoy today.
Possibly, living in North Collinwood, you have also heard about the latest planned improvement by the North East Ohio Regional Sewer District to Lake Erie's water quality, the Euclid Creek Tunnel, a 3.4 mile colossus, writhing through North Collinwood 200 feet underground towards the Easterly Wastewater Treatment Plant, where the tunnel will deposit stored, combined rain and sanitary sewer runoff. Without construction of this tunnel, treatment of the combined sewer overflow cannot be accomplished due to the age and low technology of our sewer structures.
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Volume 2, Issue 5, Posted 1:29 PM, 04.30.2010
by Joseph Compoli
"Health Care Brawl," the article written by Mike Gallagher was a good article detailing the positive aspects of the new health care legislation. It was great to see the Collinwood Observer tackle the contentious issue of health care reform.
There were a few points mentioned in the article which need to be amplified and commented upon.
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Volume 2, Issue 5, Posted 10:58 AM, 05.06.2010
by Jerry Masek
Letter to the Editor,
Jeanne Coppola raises some excellent points in her letter, and I am pleased to have an opportunity to respond.
#39F -- The #39 route changed as of April 4. The #39F route is rush-hour only and was not affected.
SRO -- The #39F may be standing-room-only at times, and that is allowable under RTA’s policies. Transit riders stand on buses in most cities in the country; it shows that our service is being fully utilized. I ride the Red Line to work every day, and I often stand.
NO AC – When you drive a car, you can switch from heat to air-conditioning with a flip of a switch. Bus coaches and rail cars are not easy to change. Each vehicle must be prepped for the summer by a mechanic, and with 400+ vehicles, it takes some time. The unseasonably changeable weather does not help either.
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Volume 2, Issue 5, Posted 10:58 AM, 05.06.2010
by Jeanne Coppola
In response to RTA's Media Relations Manager, Jerry Masek's article, "RTA service changes affect Collinwood" (March 1), I have many questions and issues which I feel require greater attention and clarity.
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Volume 2, Issue 5, Posted 10:58 AM, 05.06.2010
by Barron Glass
We have a great opportunity being presented to us with this topic of a theater and what use can be made of it.
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Volume 2, Issue 5, Posted 10:58 AM, 05.06.2010
by Mike Gallagher
The fighting and animosity over new health care legislation continued right through the passing of the historic law. At times it was almost as bad as the stadium parking lot after a Browns- Steelers game. Based on some of the criticism of the plan, you would think that the bill was written by Karl Marx himself..
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Volume 2, Issue 4, Posted 2:53 AM, 04.08.2010
by John Copic, Publisher, Collinwood Observer
The writers of the Collinwood neighborhood have amazed us again. We were overwhelmed with excellent articles for the March issue. If your story did not make this issue we apologize; it will be in the next paper, or online. I would like to thank Betsy Voinovich and our layout magician, Meredith Pangrace for fitting five pounds of stories into our three pound paper. If you have not written your story yet, join us. We want to hear from you.
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Volume 2, Issue 3, Posted 7:48 PM, 03.09.2010
by Jeanne Coppola
Happy New Year to "The Collinwood Observer" and all of its readers.
May this year bring happiness and blessings to all of you!
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Volume 2, Issue 1, Posted 4:25 PM, 01.14.2010
by Mike Gallagher
The holidays are over, our phony tree is stored away in the basement, and the kids are back to school. But like that spoiled kid who can't stop saying more, more, more.. I want more too, so here's my belated health care wish list:
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Volume 2, Issue 1, Posted 3:58 PM, 01.14.2010
by Miles Kennedy
Two aspects of our health care system need serious improvement, and candidate Obama promised to address them both. First, some forty-plus million Americans lack any form of health insurance. Second, health care is far more expensive in the USA than in most of Western Europe and people in those other countries get care enough to live healthier lives than us and to live longer.
In this article I will tell you of my experience in forty some years of using Kaiser Permanente as the Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) for our family and why I believe the low costs of Kaiser and the quality of their service indicate how both of these problems can and are being effectively addressed.
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Volume 2, Issue 1, Posted 3:58 PM, 01.14.2010
by Mike Gallagher
The Senate is in the process of duking it out over a healthcare plan, and one of the biggest pieces they're debating is the so-called "public option." The fate of some type of healthcare legislation agreement may ultimately rest on the public option.
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Volume 1, Issue 6, Posted 10:02 AM, 12.10.2009