Faith News


Webster’s Dictionary gives us the following definition. “1 - the belief that good ultimately prevails over evil. 2 - the tendency to take the most hopeful or cheerful view of things.”

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Volume 12, Issue 8, Posted 6:19 PM, 08.10.2020

The Season of Pentecost

Pentecost in the Old Testament was one of the Jewish feast days. However, the Jews called it the Feast of Harvest or the Feast of Weeks, not Pentecost. It was the celebration of the beginning of the early weeks of harvest. There were two such harvests each year. The early harvest came during the months of May and June; the final harvest came in the Fall. Pentecost was the celebration of the beginning of the early wheat harvest, which meant that Pentecost always fell sometime during the middle of the month of May or sometimes in early June.

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Volume 12, Issue 6, Posted 11:51 AM, 06.07.2020

A Mighty Fortress Is Our God

As the plague of COVID-19 circulates and man does all he can to slow, stop and develop a 'cure', where does our help come from? The Psalmist says: "My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth." and also, "God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble." We can know that whatever trials may come our way, God is with us!

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Volume 12, Issue 4, Posted 4:36 PM, 04.01.2020

The Color Purple

With the black of Ash Wednesday behind us, we enter the season of Lent with the color purple. But why purple? Purple suggests repentance and solemnity. Its deep dark richness invites us to slow down and consider the sacrifices Jesus did for us. 

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Volume 12, Issue 3, Posted 5:26 PM, 03.09.2020

Remember, You are From Dust, and To Dust You Shall Return

The season of Lent is nearly upon us. It is a very special time in the church year:  a time of reflection and soul searching - a time of preparation for Resurrection Sunday (Easter). Lent is observed as 40 days (not counting Sundays) beginning on Ash Wednesday through Holy Saturday.  All Christian churches with a history before 1500 AD observe Lent, and St. John Nottingham is no exception.           

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Volume 12, Issue 2, Posted 5:31 PM, 02.05.2020

Christmas by Candlelight

A partially-darkened sanctuary illuminated by candlelight, Christmas carols echoing in the nave, the sharing of the Christmas story from the pastors, choir music lifted up, the message of salvation announced at the coming of the Savior of the world, culminating in the room darkened as the people hold their individual candles while singing ‘Silent Night’. This is the tradition of St. John Nottingham and this year was no exception with scores of people attending its Christmas Eve Candlelight Worship Service.

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Volume 12, Issue 1, Posted 5:13 PM, 01.12.2020

Speak Life

Having faith when you can't see it, can only mean that you believe that whatever you're going through can be fixed. Sometimes in these types of situations you still have to encourage yourself as well as others. When I say "Speak Life" I mean speak life into those dead situations. Life can be hard on anybody at any time. It is in those times that we must communicate and share our feelings and issues that we are having in life. It's is very important that we communicate with one another because we learn from each other's experiences and trials and tribulation. Only if we can stand together when are going through the issues of life I honestly believe it wouldn't be that hard to get through. We've lost so many innocent lives over the years that it seems impossible to draw strength from anywhere. I speak from experience when I tell you the storm don't last forever but while you're in this storm we must speak life into these situations and help uplift other people who are less stronger and less unfortunate than us. So no matter what you're going through or if you see someone else going through please "Speak Life" into their situations as well as your own.

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Volume 12, Issue 1, Posted 5:13 PM, 01.12.2020

What is Advent All About?

With Thanksgiving now past the Christmas Season is fast approaching. In fact, the days between Thanksgiving are the shortest in 2019. But that time between these two festive holidays is the season in Christendom known as Advent. It is the beginning of the new Church year and so it is a time of preparation: preparing for Christ’s First Advent, or coming, which we celebrate as Christmas, while also preparing for His Second Coming, when He will come in glory to judge both “the living and the dead.”

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Volume 11, Issue 12, Posted 6:21 PM, 12.02.2019

Cakes, Cards, and Pastors' Appreciation

Cake and coffee reception after Sunday service. A card. T-Shirts with the words, "I Love My Pastor" printed on them worn by members of Willow Praise Church for Pastor's Appreciation Month.

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Volume 11, Issue 11, Posted 4:08 PM, 11.11.2019

St Jeromes

Collinwood's St Jeromes Church, named for scholar Jerome (347-420), marks their centennial this month. Jerome, whose knowledge of Greek and Hebrew, translated the bible into Latin producing the Vulgate, which stood as the Catholic Church's standard version till 1979. He was also know for his teachings on Christian moral life. 

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Volume 11, Issue 7, Posted 12:36 PM, 07.07.2019

St. Jerome Parish is celebrating 100 years

The gala celebration is scheduled for Sunday, July 21st, 2019. Join us for 10 am Mass with Bishop Perez, followed by a luncheon at the Irish American Club East Side. Visit for more information or contact the rectory at (216) 481-8200.

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Volume 11, Issue 4, Posted 2:55 PM, 03.30.2019

Lenten Services

Join us as we prepare our hearts for the Joy of Easter!

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Volume 11, Issue 3, Posted 2:52 PM, 03.10.2019

My Grandma’s Purse

There are so many special and beautiful woman that live in Cleveland. This specific woman I am speaking of is our grandma‘s these women have paved the way for many generations to come, but only if you take time to hear their stories and understand the time and era they came from then you will also agree that our grandma‘s have paved away for us women. One in particular was my grandma Beatrice Hubbard an awesome woman of God. My grandma carried this purse that had everything thing you will need to survive even if you wasn’t lost or deserted. She had lunch meat that even stayed cold and the fruit was always so sweet.

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Volume 10, Issue 6, Posted 11:14 AM, 06.07.2018

Holy Redeemer celebrates 94th Feast of St. Anthony June 9th & 10th

 Since Holy Redeemer Church’s founding in 1924, the honoring of St. Anthony has played an integral part in the life of the parish. The annual Tredicina, or 13 days of prayer begins Friday June 1st and concludes Wednesday June 13th coinciding with the of St. Anthony’s death in Padua Italy in 1231.

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Volume 10, Issue 6, Posted 11:14 AM, 06.07.2018

Are You Thinking of Joining the Catholic Church?

Whether you’re just beginning to consider your faith journey or you’ve been a Christian all your life, find out if the Catholic Church is where your belong. RCIA, the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, is our process for exploring the Catholic faith, growing your relationship with Christ and for many, entering the Church. Get started now, call:

Rev. Joseph J. Fortuna S.T.D., Pastor

Our Lady of the Lake Parish

19951 Lakeshore Blvd.

Euclid, OH 44119

Phone: 116.486.0850 ext. 24 Fax: 216.486.0851

“Tell Ft. Joe that Vince from the barbershop sent you.”

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Volume 10, Issue 1, Posted 4:09 PM, 01.15.2018

New Praise Ministries has Joined the Collinwood Beachland Area!

We have joined the Collinwood Beachland area as of February 2017! New Praise Ministries began in the living room of Senior Pastor and Founder, Roscoe J. Heath and Lady Tina M. Heath in January, 2004. We started with about 20 members and immediately set about to pursue the commission of Jesus Christ according to Matthew 28:16 and the vision the Lord had given to Pastor Heath. Each member had the opportunity to submit possible names for the ministry.  New Praise Ministries was the result of combined suggestions from Pastor Heath and Mother Lorraine Smith. In July of 2004, Pastor Heath suggested a radio broadcast on AM 1490 - WJMO.  Sis Irina Thomas, building on our desire to promote love, family, and truth suggested the theme, “Transformed by Truth”, resulting in “Come and have your life transformed by truth”. New Praise Ministries’ membership dwindled to an average of 3-4 people in attendance. Pastor Heath was disheartened.  Lady Heath encouraged the ministry to continue to move forward. New Praise Ministries’ first new member was Sis Amanda Blade. After moving to the Euclid Shore Cultural Centre 2291 East 222nd Street in Euclid,   Ohio, the Lord began to send new souls seeking truth, love and family.  Wednesday night Interactive Bible Study (7pm) averaged 40-45 attendees; Friday Night’s Praise service (7pm) about 35-40 attendees; and Sunday morning worship service (11am) nearly 80-100 attendees.     

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Volume 9, Issue 7, Posted 11:04 AM, 07.07.2017

Holy Redeemer's 93rd Feast of St. Anthony June 10th & 11th

Holy Redeemer Church will celebrate the Feast of St. Anthony Saturday June 10th from 5:00 pm till 9:00 pm in the gymnasium and outside in the courtyard between the church. Then Sunday morning following Mass there will be a procession with the statue of St. Anthony through the streets of neighborhood finishing back at the church. The Feast will then continue afterwards till 8:00 pm.

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Volume 9, Issue 6, Posted 6:04 PM, 06.13.2017

Spring Can Bring a Renewal in Faith --- It's Up to You!

Northeast Ohio has some of the most unpredictable and wavering weather forecasts in the country. Likewise, our communities boast hundreds of various congregations and belief systems. No wonder it is so difficult to decide which kind of faith is best suited to participate for our own comfort! If you step back and look at yourself, I’m sure there is a goal to become more spiritual, regardless of the religious affiliation you may be accustomed to attending (or not attending). Church participation rates have continued to decline all over the world. But this doesn’t mean that faith or renewal is dead!

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Volume 9, Issue 4, Posted 5:26 PM, 04.11.2017

The Collinwood Neighborhood Catholic Ministries Announces: The Margaret Dua Returning Citizens Fund

We are saddend by the passing on October 1, 2016 of our dear co-minister Evangelist Margaret Dua.  Her passion for our returning citizens from prison is legendary. She joined our Collinwood Ministries four years ago bringing with her a compassionate heart and ability and passion for helping folks in prison turn their lives around. We found that there was no end to her generosity and no task too daunting. Margaret helped us with our Expungement Clinics and also the ministry at our new facility, Siggy’s Village on Saranac, working with returning citizens. 

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Volume 8, Issue 11, Posted 7:00 PM, 11.07.2016

Holy Redeemer's Feast of the Assumption procession August 7th

Holy Redeemer Church on Kipling Avenue celebrated the Feast of the Assumption, Christ's mother Mary ascension into Heaven, Sunday August 7th. Following Mass there was the procession with a marching band through the streets of the neighborhood with the statue of Mary, then concluded with a cavetelli dinner back at the school gym.

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Volume 8, Issue 9, Posted 5:03 PM, 09.09.2016

Seed Sowing Soldiers Making a Positive Impact In the City of Cleveland

Seed Sowing Soldiers is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization located in the Collinwood community committed to uplifting residents in the city of Cleveland by giving back to those less fortunate.

Our organization was established in 2012 by our President, Lester Graham, Jr.  We stand firmly on God's promise as written in Galatians 6:7,"...for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap." We believe that we will reap good harvest, because of the seeds that we are sowing.

We have held many events over the past years such as; sponsoring FDR and East Clark families with Christmas toys, providing Thanksgiving dinner to the community, our annual school supply and book bag give-a-way, preparing breakfast for Veterans at Volunteers of America, and many more!

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Volume 8, Issue 7, Posted 12:36 PM, 07.10.2016

CNCM Brightens Euclid Beach Residents' Holidays

Members of the Collinwood Neighborhood Catholic Ministries crocheting and knitting group made 50 lap robes and afghans for the residents of the Euclid Beach Club Appartments.  Sister Mary Ann Baran, SND and Candy Roesler raffled them off as door prizes during the Euclid Beach Club annual Christmas party.  The gifts were recieved with gratitude and delight and will be a source of warmth and comfort throughout the new year.

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Volume 8, Issue 1, Posted 5:34 PM, 01.05.2016

Peace for 2016

As I'm writing this, about a week before Christmas, I'm looking at a yard full of fairly green grass, bright sunshine (or not) - and what looks like a rather confused iris. (Or maybe it's just very optimistic!)

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Volume 8, Issue 1, Posted 5:34 PM, 01.05.2016

Collinwood Neighborhood Catholic Ministries Coming Attractions

In an effort to revive the economic growth of the Collinwood, Glenville, East Park, North Shores, Nottingham Village, and Saint-Clair Superior neighborhoods, donations and contributions are being generated through the Collinwood Neighborhood Catholic Ministries (

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Volume 7, Issue 7, Posted 11:02 AM, 07.12.2015

Collinwood Neighborhood Ministries Receives 2 Grants

During the past several months the staff of The Collinwood Neighborhood Catholic Ministries (CNCM) has become increasingly aware of the needs of the recently incarcerated in our area. Therefore, CNCM in collaboration with WallsInside Out, Hands2Hands Inc. and Case Western Reserve University, plans to serve this population. The Sisters of the Humility of Mary have generously agreed to help fund this project in the amount of $10,000. This grant will provide CNCM with the necessary resources to help returning citizens acquire a sense of self-worth, learn coping skills and gain access to social services.

Neighborhood Connections has awarded a $2,000 grant to Collinwood Neighborhood Catholic Ministries for their Drop-in for Peace program. This grant will enable them to offer improvisational drama workshops for teens, drumming for peace classes for children and seniors, neighborhood leadership training and a staffed computer drop-in center.

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Volume 7, Issue 6, Posted 12:53 PM, 05.31.2015

Holy Redeemer celebrates 91st Feast of St. Anthony June 13th & 14th

Since Holy Redeemer Church’s founding in June 1924, the honoring of St. Anthony has played an integral part in the life of the parish. The annual Tredicina, or 13 days of prayer begins Monday, June 1, 2015 and concludes  Wednesday, June 13, 2015 coinciding with the day of St. Anthony's death in Padua Italy in 1231.

For each Mass the church will host a different visiting clergy member who will expound on St. Anthony and the virtues and relevance of his message today. Patron Saint of the poor and oppressed, St. Anthony is also well-known as that of lost articles. Father Marty Polito, a Euclid native and Pastor of Holy Redeemer since 1996, adds that it is not just for lost things but for people who may have lost either faith, hope, and/or love. That this is an occasion for prayer for things needed to be found in one’s life and a time of self-renewal.

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Volume 7, Issue 6, Posted 12:53 PM, 05.31.2015

Have Faith - Spring IS Coming!

Well. we've survived. Here we are at the end of February (as I write this), and (believe it or not!) winter’s end is in sight! It just doesn't feel like it.

But Mother Nature knows her business. See if you think there's signs of spring here in this snap of my front yard trees - am I really seeing buds?!  I don't think it's wishful thinking, but the signs are there. Small, but there. Or will be - very shortly!

Go ahead - go look in your yard. Slow down enough, for once in our lives, to really look at God's world around us. We all need to do this, whatever your path to God is. Even if for just a few minutes, let's enjoy that crisp air and hey, maybe even make some snowpeople.

Meanwhile, our Collinwood neighborhood is beginning to stir, after this long winter's downtime, and all kinds of things are getting started for this upcoming spring and summer. That, of course, includes our own Collinwood Area Pastoral Association (or CAPA).

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Volume 7, Issue 3, Posted 7:53 PM, 03.06.2015

A Life of Service: St Jerome's Father Cassese

Anthony J. Cassese was born December 3, 1948 and grew up on East 123rd Street in Cleveland’s Little Italy neighborhood.  His mother’s family, the Micatrotto’s, were from Ripalimosani, in the Province of Campobasso, Italy. He was diagnosed with the genetic disorder cystic fibrosis at an early age, requiring daily dose of antibiotics and special treatments every six weeks for the rest of his life. Though the average life expectancy of people with cystic fibrosis is between 37 and 50 years of age, he would become one of it’s oldest survivors, having the longest record of CF treatments at Rainbow Babies and Children’s Hospital.

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Volume 7, Issue 2, Posted 10:04 PM, 02.05.2015

Are You Looking for Faith in 2015?

Hope this finds you all well, after all the hustle & bustle of this past holiday season!

Churches all over this Collinwood neighborhood of ours, celebrated Christmas in so many unique ways. Hopefully, we met you somewhere. (Trees, lights, angels - and kids; how could we not enjoy? How did you set up for Santa, if you were lucky enough to have kids available to show you how?)

If you're in search of a congregation, you're invited, in this 2015, to visit and explore all our many faiths here in the community. Looking for a new path for yourself, or thinking about coming back to an old faith, somewhere in the neighborhood may well be a congregation that fits. (If you look back at our list of congregations last issue, you may have been surprised at just how varied we are.) Try something, and see where it leads you - you may be surprised! If you're looking for a church, do visit our neighborhood churches, watch here for news of what everyone's doing, and be part of "Faith in Collinwood".



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Volume 7, Issue 1, Posted 2:29 PM, 01.26.2015

Collinwood Neighborhood Catholic Ministries Gives Gift of Presence

Every Friday afternoon, under the instruction of Kim Reynolds and Antoinette Robinson, several ladies meet at the Collinwood Neighborhood Catholic Ministries (CNCM) House (corner of Royal and St. Clair) to knit and crochet lap robes for residents of area retirement homes.  According to Sr. Felicia Petruziello, CSJ, “This program not only provides anopportunity to build community among the ladies but also gives them a chance to be of service to the elderly in our community”.  

Collinwood residents meet on Saturday morning every other week for seven sessions in two cycles at the CNCM House. Under the guidance of Mr. William Denihan and Mr. Douglas Rothschild, they learn to express themselves in creative ways through painting.  Both men do this because they love to paint and want to share their joy. At the close of class Sr. Joan Gallagher, CSA hears “the sounds of joy as the finished paintings are displayed.

An expungement clinic is offered at the CNCM House in the spring and in the fall.  Persons who may have up to two misdemeanors or one minor felony can get these crimes erased or expunged from his or her criminal record. Sr. Margaret Hartman, SND and has arranged for lawyers from the Cuyahoga County Public Defender’s Office to conduct the clinics.  Sr. Mary Ellen Brinovec, OSU, executive director, states that “there have been over 200 calls inquiring about the fall expungement clinic. Clearly there is a need for this service.”



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Volume 7, Issue 1, Posted 2:29 PM, 01.26.2015

Finding Faith in Collinwood

Everyone needs faith in someone or something. Finding faith again in something after my husband’s sudden death, took great courage, but once I did I have been able to accomplish things I never thought possible before and have met some quite interesting people along the way.

If you are a faith-based organization in Collinwood then meet the Collinwood Area Pastoral Association. This is a new co-operation of Collinwood neighborhood religious groups, who are coming together to work for (and with) our Collinwood community, brought together by Councilman Polensek, who saw not just a need, but another way to work for the good of Collinwood.

Many of them you will know - and many you may not be so familiar with - but we are uniting to work together, for the betterment of our Collinwood neighborhood. All faiths are welcome to be part of this group; we very much want to not only welcome everyone, but we want to reflect the diversity of our religious beliefs, that so very much reflect Collinwood's cultural diversity and history.


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Volume 6, Issue 10, Posted 2:43 PM, 11.17.2014

St. Casimir Parish, 5 Years Old and Still Growing

It is hard for me to believe that at the end of this month, October 25th, St. Casimir Parish will be five years old.  It seems like just yesterday, that we celebrated the opening Mass here on Neff Road.  But as I walked around the campus today, I saw what we accomplished in those five years.  At 12:00 noon, our church bells rang the Angelus, as they do every day at noon and 6:00 pm.  I see temporary signs on our auditorium and our school building saying that this is the home of Lakeshore Intergenerational School.  A school again is on our campus.  A walk around to our Marcella Road parking lot, is see Cuvilly House, which is a residence and ministry center run by the Sisters of Notre Dame.  At the other end of our parking lot, I see what was once one of our rental houses, now called “Hope House”, a place for our organizations and our adult education programs to meet.  I see building renovations and improvements.  But more importantly, I see people.  I see happy people on school days coming to and going home from school.  I see members of our parish organizations meeting in the evenings.  I see people coming to Mass each day – Sunday through Friday mornings and Saturday evenings.  I see cultural programs, I see religious programs, I see educational programs.  I see a vibrant, Catholic, ethnic parish community.

We have come a long way in five years, and we have a long way to go in the future.  But this month, we stop and reflect and savor who we are and what we do.  I invite the whole community to do that with us this October.  Stop in for Mass: Monday through Friday at 7:30 am, Saturday at 5:30 pm, and Sunday at 8:00, 10:00 (Lithuanian) and 12:00.  Stop by just to say hello.  Our office is open from 10am to 6pm daily.  If you are still looking for a Catholic Church, you might like us.  If you have been away for a while and are interested in returning to Church, call me.  I’ll help you.  If you’re interested in Catholicism, ask us about it.  If you want to meet some of our members, we’re having a Clambake / Steak Roast / Fund Raiser on Saturday, October 25th, from 6-10 pm.  Look for our ad elsewhere in this edition of the Collinwood Observer.  Or, just visit our website:

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Volume 6, Issue 9, Posted 10:41 PM, 10.15.2014

Holy Redeemer's Feast of the Assumption

Celebrating their 90th Anniversary this year, Collinwood’s Holy Redeemer Church continued their tradition of the Feast of the Assumption Sunday, August 10th. The celebration of the Assumption or “the taking” of the Virgin Mary marking her being received into Heaven. Following the Mass and procession through the streets of the neighborhood in honor of The Blessed Mother, a picnic was held behind the church for all family and friends.

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Volume 6, Issue 8, Posted 9:09 PM, 09.03.2014

Prosperity Festival at Living Truth Center August 16

Its that time again. Living Truth Center for Better Living are having their 3rd Annual Prosperity Festival. Bring your family and friends to a day of fun.  Our spacious parking lot welcomes you to bring family and friends to be a part of the hoola- hoop contest! There will be food, D.J, line dancing, games, prizes, give-a ways and vendors. School supplies will  also be given and much more! Call for more information. 1850 Belmore Road East Cleveland OH 44112. (216) 249-0330. Rev. Alice J. Brown, Senior Minister.

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Volume 6, Issue 7, Posted 2:11 AM, 08.05.2014

North Carolina's "Cleveland Rocks" Mission Group Entertains Hospice Patients

It’s no secret to those of us who live here that Cleveland is in the midst of a major revitalization. All the “buzz” about our hometown has reached into rural North Carolina. Sixty middle school and high school students from the combined youth choirs of First Baptist Church of Mount Holly and Marion, North Carolina were inspired to plan a “Cleveland Rocks” mission trip.

The mission trip included a special performance for patients, caregivers and families at David Simpson Hospice House on E. 185th Street. “It was a multi-cultural concert, with some songs sung in Latin, one in Spanish and one in an African dialect,” said Lori Scotese, Coordinator of Volunteers for Hospice of the Western Reserve. “During one song, all of the choir members held hands in a gesture of peace and unity. Our patients, caregivers and families were so moved that they joined hands, too. The choir director remarked afterward that the group’s performance at our hospice house was by far the most meaningful concert on their tour for the young people, and one they would never forget.  

While in Cleveland, the choir members also performed at Ames Family Hospice House in Westlake as well as several other locations, and took part in mission projects with the Cleveland Food Bank, The City Mission, the Men’s Shelter, and the Lutheran Metro Ministries. They also reserved enough time to visit the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum, the Greater Cleveland Aquarium and a few other attractions while in town. One of the highlights of their trip was an opportunity to sing the National Anthem at a Cleveland Indians game.

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Volume 5, Issue 6, Posted 11:37 AM, 06.30.2013

Holy Redeemer celebrates 89th Feast of St. Anthony June 8th & 9th

Since Holy Redeemer Church’s founding in June 1924, the honoring of St. Anthony has played an integral part in the life of the parish. The annual Tredicina, or 13 days of prayer begins Saturday, June 1st and concludes  Thursday, June 13th coinciding with the day of St. Anthony's death in Padua Italy in 1231.

For each Mass the church will host a different visiting clergy member who will expound on St. Anthony and the virtues and relevance of his message today. Patron Saint of the poor and oppressed, St. Anthony is also well-known as that of lost articles. Father Marty Polito, a Euclid native and Pastor of Holy Redeemer since 1996, adds that it is not just for lost things but for people who may have lost either faith, hope, and/or love. That this is an occasion for prayer for things needed to be found in one’s life and a time of self-renewal.

The Feast celebration itself will start Saturday June 8th at 5:00pm and is held in the school gymnasium and outside in the courtyard between the church till 10:00 pm. There will be concession stands featuring Italian food favorites, with musical entertainment along with games of chance and various raffles for dozens of different donated gift baskets, a Summer in the City package including Cedar Point and Cleveland Indian tickets, and for cash payouts totaling $5000.

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Volume 5, Issue 5, Posted 12:24 PM, 06.07.2013

Collinwood Neighborhood Catholic Ministries open new house, initiate programs

The staff of the Collinwood Neighborhood Catholic Ministries is hosting a series of “Coffee and Conversations” at their new home, 15706 St. Clair Ave. on Thursdays, Feb. 7, 14, 21 from 10 am to noon. Several planned formal Open Houses for various groups of neighbors, benefactors and friends will be scheduled and formal invitations sent in the near future.

“The Sisters and staff of the center welcome anyone who would like to stop by to learn about upcoming programs, see the house, and talk about ways to continue to improve the quality of life and spirit in the Collinwood neighborhood,” said Sr. Mary Ellen Brinovec, OSU, coordinator.

Future scheduled programs during March and April at the house include topics ranging from music and prayer, arts and crafts, to assistance for first offenders.

“Finding God in Quiet Music,” led by Sr. Janet Moore, OSU, professor of music at Ursuline College, will be offered on Saturday, Mar. 16 from 10-11am. The experience will give everyone a chance to spend peaceful time away from the busyness of life.

No experience is necessary for two creative programs offered  concurrently on Friday, Mar. 22, 2-3:30. “Paint for Peace” and “Create a Prayer Shawl.” Bill Denihan, who provides art instruction to residents of Joseph’s Home, along with an alum of Joseph’s Home and Sr. Joan Gallagher, CSA, will lead an oil painting session.

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Volume 5, Issue 1, Posted 6:36 PM, 02.12.2013

Spiritual well-being during the Holidays

Remember when you were a kid and how the winter holidays were the highlight of your year? I think back to how strong the Christmas spirit shined in our house, even though we were a family of limited means. We would seek out the Sears Wish Book and were able to spend a whole twenty dollars on the toy of our choice. Our stockings always had a big candy cane, a few Hershey kisses, and a life savers roll. That was enough for us back then and our favorite thrill was the break from school and going sledding down the biggest hill we could find in the neighborhood.

Times sure have changed. Things have become so complicated. People have become more demanding. When we think about the extra pressure that bears down on us during this time of the year, it is mentally exhausting. There has to be a point where we stand back and look at the madness we have created as a society and get back to basics. When did the “true meaning” of the holidays fade and the sparkle of commercialism take over? My earliest recollection was when watching A Charlie Brown Christmas back in the 60’s, Snoopy’s dog house won a prize for the best lighting display.  And of course Charlie Brown’s frustration with his friends that felt that Christmas was partying and dancing.

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Volume 4, Issue 11, Posted 10:04 AM, 12.15.2012

Merry Christmas from St. Casimir Parish

As the song goes: "It’s the most wonderful time of the year." On Christmas Day we celebrate the birth of our Savior. For most of us, this day will be filled with tradition, remembering our own childhood and marveling at the wonder we see in the eyes of the children in our own families. But more than just tradition, Christmas is a celebration of life – our own lives, the lives we are living today.

The message of the angels – "Today a Savior has been born to you..." reminds all of us of God’s presence in our own lives. What better way to celebrate the Lord’s presence in our lives than to participate at Church Services on Christmas. For Catholics, we have four wonderful parishes in Collinwood (St. Casimir on Neff Rd., St. Jerome on Lake Shore and E 150th., St. Mary on Holmes Ave., and Holy Redeemer on Kipling), for our brothers and sisters of other Faith traditions, we have many churches in our neighborhood, and for those who don’t belong anywhere, I invite you to visit us here at St. Casimir on Christmas. We are located at 18022 Neff Road. Our Masses on Christmas Eve are at 4:00 pm and 10:30 pm (in Lithuanian), and on Christmas Day at 8:00 am, 10:00 am (in Lithuanian) and 12:00 noon. May the Peace and Joy that this great Feast signifies be with you this Christmas Day and every day of  your lives.

God Bless all of you this holiday season!

Fr. Joe Bacevice is the Pastor of St. Casimir Parish. He can be reached at 216-481-3157.

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Volume 4, Issue 11, Posted 10:08 AM, 12.15.2012