Tall grass: facts, potential fines, & why you should just cut it!
This is a friendly reminder from Mike Troha, the Code Enforcement specialist for Ward 11. Grass over 8 inches high is a violation of the City’s Health Code. You can get ticketed and/or cited for having high grass.
Why is tall grass a problem?
- Threatens public health by increasing the amount of allergy-triggering pollens in the air.
- Serves as a shelter for vermin, mosquitoes and other nuisances.
- Impedes the public’s ability to use sidewalks.
- Reduces property values.
- Poses a fire hazard when it becomes dry.
How can I make a vacant property next door look better? Take 5 minutes to mow the front yard of a neighboring vacant property. We still encourage you to turn the property in for tall grass, as a longer term solution. Remember that addressing tall grass at vacant properties helps maintain property values of homes in the entire neighborhood.
More Info: Call 216-383-9772 or e-mail Mike Troha at mct@cnvdc.org if you have any questions or would like to lodge a complaint about high grass at a neighboring property.
Jayme Lucas
Development Manager at Collinwood & Nottingham Villages Development Corporation