Collinwood Neighborhood Catholic Ministries open new house, initiate programs
The staff of the Collinwood Neighborhood Catholic Ministries is hosting a series of “Coffee and Conversations” at their new home, 15706 St. Clair Ave. on Thursdays, Feb. 7, 14, 21 from 10 am to noon. Several planned formal Open Houses for various groups of neighbors, benefactors and friends will be scheduled and formal invitations sent in the near future.
“The Sisters and staff of the center welcome anyone who would like to stop by to learn about upcoming programs, see the house, and talk about ways to continue to improve the quality of life and spirit in the Collinwood neighborhood,” said Sr. Mary Ellen Brinovec, OSU, coordinator.
Future scheduled programs during March and April at the house include topics ranging from music and prayer, arts and crafts, to assistance for first offenders.
“Finding God in Quiet Music,” led by Sr. Janet Moore, OSU, professor of music at Ursuline College, will be offered on Saturday, Mar. 16 from 10-11am. The experience will give everyone a chance to spend peaceful time away from the busyness of life.
No experience is necessary for two creative programs offered concurrently on Friday, Mar. 22, 2-3:30. “Paint for Peace” and “Create a Prayer Shawl.” Bill Denihan, who provides art instruction to residents of Joseph’s Home, along with an alum of Joseph’s Home and Sr. Joan Gallagher, CSA, will lead an oil painting session.
Crocheting or knitting a prayer shawl will be taught by Sr. Felicia Petruziello, CSJ and 2 women from the Women’s Outreach Center.
All materials will be provided for both programs and follow-up sessions will be scheduled for those interested in further instruction.
“Growing Old With Grace and Humor,” 3-part series, by Sr. Eileen Mary Collins, OSU, will be offered Thursdays, April 4, 11, and 18 from 10-11:30 am. This is a repeat of the popular program previously given at the Collinwood Rec Center and the Holy Redeemer Senior Citizen Center.
Come “Plant a Pot of Salad” for your porch on Wednesday, April 24 and May 1 from 2-3:30. Plants and pots will be provided and assistance given by Sr. Pat McHale, CSJ.
Are you or someone you know a first time offender of a prior criminal conviction seeking to have those records sealed? If so, Joy Kennedy, LISW, JD, will present a workshop for the process called “expungement” some time in April.
Date and time to be announced later.
Watch for additional programs in the Observer and flyers in your neighborhood.
For further information, call Sr. Mary Ellen at 216- 481-8182.
Sr. Mary Denis Maher is a member of the newly formed Collinwood Neighborhood Catholic Ministries, a group of Catholic Sisters and other collaborators, who are in the process of listening and learning abut the needs of the Collinwood area and responding to them. She will be writing some articles on their services and projects.
Sr. Mary Denis Maher
I'm a member of the newly formed Collinwood Neighborhood Catholic Ministries, a group of Catholic Sisters and other collaborators, who are in the process of listening and learning abut the needs of the Collinwood area and responding to them. I will be writing some articles on our services and projects.