Fall into Amazing Programs at Collinwood Library!
Youth Programs:
Popsicle Stick Flags!
For Labor Day help us celebrate the achievements and contributions made by American workers!!
Thursday, September 1st * 4:30pm
Kids Café
Visit the Collinwood Branch Library after school for Kids Café!
Monday – Friday beginning September 12th
Collinwood Community Youth Academy
In an effort to empower youth through enlightenment, literacy, self-awareness, leadership, and community engagement, the Collinwood Branch Library has established an academy for youth in grades 6-8. REGISTRATION REQUIRED. Contact the branch for details.
Every other Saturday beginning September 17th
Adult Programs:
Free Computer Classes
Internet Basics, Digital News and Searching, Email Basics, Resume Workshop, and Improve Your Job Search!
Fridays beginning September 2nd
Chronic Disease Self-Management Workshop
Learn how to get the support you need and make a step-by-step plan to improve your health. To register contact Rose Bobbitt by phone 216-421-1350 ext. 183 or email: programs@fairhillpartners.org
Wednesdays, September 7th & 14th*1:00pm-3:30pm
Kiaira Jefferson
Cleveland Public Library, Collinwood Branch