Free WiFi Enabled Devices for All Eligible New Tech Collinwood High School Students
We have exciting news to share! Cleveland Metropolitan School District is participating in the 1Million Project! With network support from Sprint, the 1Million Project Foundation is providing one million eligible high school students across the country with 100% free mobile devices and free high-speed Internet for up to four years. This a completely free program for both our school district and the participating scholar.
In an effort to bridge the digital divide, the 1Million Project wants to help all high school students have access to reliable internet at home. 70 New Tech Collinwood student were eligible and received deviced.
Sharon Kidd-Lewis
At New Tech Collinwood, students have access to the latest technology for every lesson, every day. Students develop 21st Century skills while conducting research, collaborating with classmates, sharing ideas and completing projects. New Tech Collinwood's approach to preparing you for work and college is a model that has proven to help students learn who they are and how they can be successful in school and in life through: integrated classes that show you how to use knowledge from different content areas to solve complex real-world problems. a foundation of trust, respect and responsibility. a class code of conduct developed by you and your classmates. a culture of collaboration where students hold themselves and each other accountable for success. a sense of ownership on the part of each student for setting, and meeting, high expectations throughout the high school experience.