1 Collinwood—1 Community “Keeping On Track for All” Collinwood Community Conversation
On Wednesday, October 25th from 11:00am-1:00pm, at the Collinwood Library in collaboration with the Diversity Center of Northeast Ohio hosted its first 1 Collinwood-1 Community “Keeping On Track for All” Community Conversation. Twenty three community members, including six students from Collinwood New Tech Academy, discussed three questions:
- What can we do to make this community and the library a “destination”?
- What can we do to build a community that is equitable and inclusive?
- What can we do to have young people appreciate and stay in the neighborhood?
During the conversation many participants, including Councilman Polensek and County Council Member, Yvonne Conwell, Camille Maxwell, ED of NSDC and others listened and shared ideas and point of views. How to make both neighborhoods ONE and ways to inform citizens of county and/or community resources and programs , make the library bigger, share resources and make our community more youth friendly were just a few of the feedback given. “This is a great start and I would like to have more of these kinds of conversations”, stated Peggy Kearsy from the 5 Points Community Center. This event was followed by a special art exhibit from students in Mr. Dean Bryson’s science class displayed by Amy Callahan, ED of Waterloo Arts. Manager, Caroline Peak expressed thanks and gratitude to the group for their willingness to help build better communities collectively for ALL.
Caroline Peak
Resident of neighborhood since 1956. Worked on East 185th street since 1970.